

【作者】 朱妍

【导师】 陈爱武;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家权力的不断增强和国家对私权的干预,人类社会逐步确立了运用国家公权力实现个人私权的制度,即现代民事执行制度。由于执行环境的不同,我国存在着不同于国外的执行难问题,单单依靠强制执行并不能突破执行难的困境。执行和解制度有着不同于强制执行的功能与价值,在执行工作中被广泛采用。但是立法上对执行和解没有充分重视,实践中执行和解运行混乱,执行和解没有发挥出应有的功效。因此有必要对执行和解制度进行完善。本文共分为三部分:第一部分是执行和解的基本理论。明确了执行和解的概念、特征和性质。执行和解不同于诉讼和解和法院调解。其具有实体法和诉讼法的双重性质。并论证了由于公法契约化趋势、程序主体性原则、理性当事人的预设以及程序的对话性,执行和解是一项在理论上具有正当性的制度。在实践中,执行和解制度有着特殊的功能与价值,在平衡多元利益和执行效益上执行和解都具有显著的优势。第二部分是对我国执行和解制度在立法与实践中进行考察。我国现行立法对于执行和解的规定较为原则化,正在审议的强制执行法草案虽然试图对执行和解规则化,但是仍然没有形成完整的制度。执行和解制度在适用范围、内容、形式与救济途径方面均存在不足,尤其是法院在执行和解中的地位与权限没有明确,导致司法实践的混乱。第三部分是如何完善我国的执行和解制度。笔者认为法院在执行和解中的放权与限权对执行和解协议的效力、内容与形式、适当履行等均具有重大的影响。在效力上,笔者把执行和解协议分为经法院确认效力的与未经法院确认效力的两种类型。在内容与形式上,应确立法院对和解协议的全面审查权。在执行和解协议履行过程中,严格规范当事人的反悔权;采取一定措施控制被执行人的财产;确定和解协议中担保的效力。在执行和解协议不履行或不适当履行时,充分利用法院的救济途径。

【Abstract】 Human society has gradually established a public use of state power to achieve individual rights with the continuous increase of state power and the state’s privacy intervention. This is the civil execution system. As a result of the different environment, there exists "difficulties in execution" in our country. Enforcement alone is unable to break through the plight of "difficulties in execution ". Execution reconciliation is widely used, because the function and value are different from the enforcement’s. However, the legislation did not pay full attention to the execution reconciliation. In practice execution reconciliation runs chaos, and doesn’t play due effect. It is necessary to improve the system of execution reconciliation.The thesis contains four chapters.The first chapter is the basic theory of execution reconciliation. The concept, characteristics and nature are cleared in this part. The execution reconciliation is different from the lawsuit reconciliation and court mediation. It has substantive law and procedural law dual nature. As a result of the public law agreement reduction tendency, the procedure independent principle, the rational litigant’s preinstall as well as procedure conversational, the execution reconciliation is an item has the validity theoretically. In practice, the execution reconciliation has the special function and the value, in the balanced multi-dimensional benefit and the enhancement executive benefit to have the remarkable superiority.The second chapter is inspects our country’s execution reconciliation in legislates and in practice. China’s existing legislation on the execution reconciliation is principled. The enforcement law draft although attempted to carry out the execution reconciliation regularization, had still not formed the complete system. The content, the form, the relief way of execution reconciliation are insufficiency. Particularly the court had not been clear in reconciliation status and the jurisdiction, caused the judicial practice confusion.The third chapter is how to improve the system of execution reconciliation. The author thinks that the court possesses fatal part when properly performs in the delegating and limiting power of pacification enforcing, also the effectiveness, content and modality. The author divides into the settlement agreement through the court confirmation potency and not. The court should have comprehensive review to the settlement agreement right in the content and forma. In the execution of the settlement agreement, the parties’ rights for revocation should be strictly regulated. The court should take certain measures to control the property and definite the potency of guarantees. When the agreement does not perform or improper performance, the parties can fully use court relief ways.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】8
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