

【作者】 方志

【导师】 王竹影;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生体质的优劣直接影响国家对人才培养的质量,他们不仅需要渊博的知识还需要健康强壮的体魄,因此了解和掌握大学生的体质发展状况,研究和探索改善其体质状况的途径与方法,具有十分重要的意义。全国范围的国民体质监测结果显示,我国青少年的体质在下滑,尤其是心肺机能。为了了解大学生的体质状况,本研究对《学生体质健康标准》实施5年来东南大学一年级所有新生的体质测试结果中包括了身高、体重、台阶试验、肺活量、立定跳远、握力(男)以及仰卧起坐(女)数据进行比较分析,并对中学及大学阶段的体育教学及锻炼情况进行了问卷调查,旨在了解大学生体质的动态变化规律及原因,据此为高校体育教学改革提供有益对策。研究结果表明:1.5年来东南大学新生的体质总体状况良好,但呈逐年下降趋势,女生下降较男生明显。2.男女身高体重均呈小幅增长态势,身体形态偏轻和偏重的男生比例上升,女生则向较低体重方向发展。3.男女生心肺功能逐年下降,变化显著,女生较男生下降更多。4.男女生下肢爆发力、男生上肢力量下降,女生腰腹肌力量耐力保持良好。针对大学生体质现状和动态变化趋势,以及目前中学和高校体育教学中存在的问题,建议高校体育教学改革应从以下几个方面入手:教学内容的选择上,应兼顾大学生兴趣,着重发展心肺功能;教学组织形式的安排上,应依据大学生运动能力差异,开展分层次教学;教学评价的方法上,应考虑大学生运动能力的进步幅度;加强体育理论课教学,为大学生课余锻炼提供科学理论指导。

【Abstract】 College students’ physiques have a great impact on the development of the countries. College students should be both mentally and physically healthy, therefore, the understanding of the condition of their physiques, the research on and exploration of the ways to improve their physiques are of great significance. The nation-wide surveys on physiques show that physiques of young people are declining, especially the functions of their hearts and lungs. In order to get a better understanding of the state of college students’ physiques, this thesis conducts a comparative analysis on the data, which include height, weight, step experiment, vital capacity, standing long jump, the power of gripping (male) and sit-ups (female), about physiques check of freshmen in Southeast University ever since the implementation of Criteria on Students ’Physiques and Health five years ago. The thesis also makes the survey in the form of questionnaires on PE teaching and physical exercises in high schools, colleges and universities so as to understand the laws and reasons of dynamic changes in college students’ physiques and put forwards constructive suggestion on PE teaching reform in colleges and universities.The research shows that: 1. The Southeast University freshmen’s physiques are in good condition as a whole, but they are declining yearly, which is more obvious for girl students than for boy students. 2. Both boy and girl students’ height and weight increases moderately, the percentage of boy students who tend to be heavier or lighter than the standard weight increases, and the percentage of girl students who are lighter than the standard weight increases. 3. Both boy and girl students’ function of heart and lung decreases, and it’s more obvious for girls than for boys. 4. The students’ explosive force of lower limbs decreases, boy students’ force of upper body decreases and girl students’ force and endurance of waist and abdominal muscles remain good.In view of current situation and dynamic trend in college students’ physiques as well as the existing problems in PE teaching in high schools and colleges and universities, the thesis puts forwards the following suggestions concerning PE teaching reform in colleges and universities: the teaching materials, based on students’ interest, should attach great importance to the improvement of their heart and lung functions; the levels of PE classes should match the different levels of students’ physiques; considerations should be given to the progresses students make in PE study when evaluating students; and guidance should be given through PE theory courses to enable students to exercise scientifically.

  • 【分类号】G807.44.310
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】596