

【作者】 张臻

【导师】 李建明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代诉讼更加体现技术性和专业性,案件中的专门性问题常常关乎整个案件的成败,诉讼各方当事人也越来越重视对专门性问题的研究,都期待专门性问题的结论能够成为支撑自己诉讼主张的有力支柱。各国法院对专门性问题的解决采取了不同的方式,大陆法系国家包括我国采取了司法鉴定人制度,英美法系国家采取了专家证人制度,两种制度各有利弊。本文旨在通过对英美法系专家证人制度的深入研究,提炼该制度的合理内涵,为改革我国司法鉴定人制度提供理论支持。本文以对英美法系专家证人制度的介绍为切入点,简要分析了专家证人的概念、性质和法律特征,并把专家证人与普通证人、鉴定人以及专家辅助人这几个容易混淆的概念进行了对比,在此基础上,主要以英国和美国为例,介绍了英美法系国家专家证人制度的立法概况、基础和主要内容,重点对专家证人的资格、选任、权利、义务和责任、以及专家证言的质证和采信进行了详细介绍。为了使读者对英美法系专家证人制度有一个更为深刻、直观的印象,本文简单介绍了大陆法系鉴定人制度的主要内容,然后对两种制度的优缺点进行了比较,并且指出两种制度出现了相互融合的趋势。文章的最后一部分简单介绍了我国鉴定人制度的现状,通过分析我国鉴定人制度存在的问题得出结论,我国应当借鉴专家证人制度中的有益成分来完善我国的鉴定人制度,进而,笔者对如何完善我国的鉴定人制度提出了自己的构想,以期对我国鉴定人制度的完善有所裨益。

【Abstract】 It takes on more characteristics of technique and specialty in modern litigation. The technical issue often acts as the keys to the case inhere. And all the parties often place much more emphases on the proof of the technical ones, with aim to obtain the favorable judgements. Courts in different counties take different measures to deal with technical issues. The mode of judicial system of identification in Civil-law countries, whereas, the mode of expert witness in the Anglo-American law system. Both modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. This article aims to build firm academic foundation for the reform of the judicial system of identification and the establishment of the expert witness institution in maritime litigation, through deep research on the expert witness institution in Anglo-American law.The article introduces the expert witness institution in Anglo-American law, analyses the concept , property and legal character of expert witness, contrasts the concept of expert witness, witness, expert examiner and expert consultant which can be confused. On this basis, mainly in the United Kindom and the United State as an example, the article introduces the legislative overview, theoretical foundation, main content in the expert witness institution in Anglo-American law, especially introduces the qualifications , selection, rights, obligations, responsibilities of expert witness, the question and adoption of expert testimony. In order to make readers having a profound and intuitive impression on the expert witness institution in Anglo-American law, this article briefly introduces the main content of judicial system of identification in Civil-law countries, contrasts the advantage and the disadvantage of these two systems, and points out these two systems emerging the tendency of mutual integration. The last part of this article introduces the status quo of China’s judicial system of identification, by analysing the problem of China’s judicial system of identification gets the conclusion that China should learn the advantage of the expert witness system to improve our judicial system of identification. And then the author puts forward her own ideals about how to improve China’s judicial system of identification, looks forward to benefit the improvement of China’s judicial system of identification.

【关键词】 专家证人鉴定人比较构想
【Key words】 expert witnessexpert examinercontrastconceive
  • 【分类号】D915.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】514