

The Calculation and Benefit Analysis of Economic Operating Modes of Transformer in 220kV Substation

【作者】 吴玉香

【导师】 艾欣; 宦钧;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在电力系统能量损耗中,变压器的损耗占有相当大的比例,因此全面开展变压器经济运行是降低电网损耗、节约能源、实现电力系统经济运行的重要环节。本文首先介绍了变压器经济运行的相关理论;然后分别对双绕组变压器和三绕组变压器在不同运行方式下如何经济运行进行了探讨,并以乌兰察布电业局两个220kV变电站为实际算例,验证了变压器经济运行理论的正确性以及经济运行带来的良好效益;最后,运用PowerBuilder9.0编制了变压器经济运行辅助决策系统。

【Abstract】 The energy loss of transformers is great in proportion to all of energy loss in power system, and thereby implementing transformer’s economic operation play an important role in decreasing power loss, saving energy and achieving economic operation of power system. This paper first introduces related theories of transformer’s economic operation, then investigates economic operating modes of double winding transformer and three-winding transformer, and verifies correctness of these theories and good benefit with two 220kV substation of Wulanchabu Power Company. Finally, compiling assistant decision system of transformer’s economic operation with PowerBuilder9.0.
