

The Research and Implementation of AMIS for DFD Based on Integration of Struts, Spring and Hibernate

【作者】 张朋

【导师】 杨立国;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是根据行政事业单位对固定资财管理的实际经验,讨论了WEB系统发展趋势,分析了传统WEB开发技术的局限性,整合Struts+Spring+Hibernate的框架技术,开发了××边防局支队资产管理系统,并根据软件工程的开发习惯对该系统的中的框架和插件等技术进行了详尽的论述。整合Struts+Spring+Hibernate的框架技术通过在××边防局支队资产管理系统中成功应用,验证了该框架整合技术的可行性及可靠性等优点。本系统中Struts主要负责表现层,完成页面显示、响应用户请求等功能;Spring主要负责业务逻辑层,完成应用系统的业务逻辑与事务处理等功能;Hibernate主要负责数据持久层,完成与数据层的交互功能。通过整合,充分发挥Struts、Spring和Hibemate框架各自的优势,降低了各层间的耦合度。此外在本系统中还引入了Birt、JBarcodeBean、JLog4j插件。使用Birt设计出灵活多变的报表和图表,使用JBarcodeBean可以设计出标签条码,使用JLog4j记录调试和运行信息。北京化工大学软件(MIS)研究与开发中心致力于管理信息系统的开发,在积累了多年经验的基础上,成功开发了高等学校和行政事业单位设备管理系统。随着资产管理技术的不断提高和新技术的不断涌现,本课题组的科研方向定为设计一个构架合理、先进,扩展性强,伸缩性好,安全性高的应用系统。本人在分析科研组原系统后,吸取优点,引入了框架技术和插件技术,为课题组的科研目标构建了一个雏形系统。

【Abstract】 This paper main work is focus on the design of Assets Management Information System (AMIS) for Detachment of Frontier Defense (DFD) based on integration of Struts, Spring and Hibernate and the experience of government management. This paper also discussed the developing trend of web designing and analyzed the limit of traditional web designing technology, and demonstrated the technology about the AMIS, such as framework, Birt and JBarcodeBean, according to the software engineering’s Full Functional Approach. After analyzing in the detail the framework of Struts, Spring and Hibernate, it developed the AMIS based on these frameworks. In the last, for the successful application in the AMIS, it validated the feasibility and reliability of the multi-framework technology.In the AMIS, Struts take charge of presentation layer, completing page displaying and answer user’s requirements, Spring takes charge of business logic, completing the business logic and management of application programs, Hibernate takes charge of data persistence layer, completing interactive with the database. By this we can solve some problems brought by the high complexity of the system structure, such as the coupling degree of codes, the maintenance of the application system, and the reusability of the components .The system also provide the multi-report and multi-chart by Birt, bar-code by JBarcodeBean and information of running and debugging by JLog4j.Net Management Information System (NMIS) Center of Beijing University of Chemical Techonology applies itself to research the Management Information System (MIS) with the successful application of AMIS for universities and governments. With the rapid development of management of assets and the application of many technologies, NMIS want to make AMIS with the characteristics of property framework, efficiency, high maintainability and expansibility. According to the strongpoint of pre-AMIS and the technology of framework and plug-in, I design AMIS which is the beginning of NMIS’s new direction.

【关键词】 StrutsSpringHiberante框架资产管理系统
【Key words】 StrutsSpringHibernateframeworkassetsMIS
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】235