

Research on the Environmental Capacity in West Shaoxi

【作者】 陈月

【导师】 王京刚; 席北斗;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据西苕溪的水环境和水文学特性,并结合室内和现场实验,对西苕溪流域干流的水环境质量现状进行了分析评价。采用单因子评价方法得出了西苕溪的主要污染物是有机物和氨氮。本研究采用了美国环保局开发的河流综合水质模型QUAL2K对西苕溪干流水质进行了模拟,根据水文和水质资料确定模型的参数。该模型具有综合性、多样性和灵活通用的特点,是进行河流水质定量模拟的有力工具。在对水质模型进行验证和灵敏度分析的基础上,利用河流水质模型QUAL2K模型,对河流进行水质模拟,并计算其水环境容量。结果表明,QUAL2K模型可较好地模拟和预测西苕溪干流水质。用环境容量法和模型试错法两种方法,分别对西苕溪干流各河段的环境容量进行计算,分析比较结果,确定本文采用的方法。根据水体功能类别的水质标准和相应的水环境容量,对超过水体水环境容量的河段要进行污染物总量削减。根据允许排放量,采用等比例削减的方法进行总量控制分配,使削减后的污染源排放的污染物达到排放标准。最后针对西苕溪污染的实际情况,提出了污染物防治的对策和措施以及保证总量控制目标实施的具体措施。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the characters of water environment as well as hydrology, we combined with both laboratory and field experiments, at the same time, analysis and evaluation had been done with regard to the specific conditions of water environmental quality of West Shaoxi main stream. The main pollution of West Shaoxi was organic compound and ammonia nitrogen by the method of the evaluation of single factor according to the current data.The water quality of West Shaoxi was adopted in this study by QUAL2K, a powerful comprehensive water quality software for rivers developed by Environmental Protection Agency of United States, which was characterized by its comprehension, multi-purposes. Based on the flow characteristics, water quality model coefficient was also identified. On the basis of the test and sensitive analysis of the model, water environmental capacity was calculated when water quality was simulated by QUAL2K model. The results showed that this model could be well used in West Shaoxi for water quality modeling and prediction.Using the environment capacity method and model trial method calculated the environment capacity of the main reach in West Shaoxi. Analyzing the results to decide the adopting method. The reach that surpassed the water environmental capacity should be cut down according to the water quality standard. On the basis of the allowing discharge, we adopted equal ratio curtailment method to distribute TAC in order to meet the discharge standard after minifying. At last, the Countermeasures of pollutants control and the measure of TAC implementing goal were put forward in the research area.

  • 【分类号】X824
  • 【被引频次】9
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