

Control and Experiment Research of Tectonic Physical Analogue Experiment Equipment

【作者】 袁伟涛

【导师】 张连凯;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 油气盆地构造的形成过程和成因机制的研究具有十分重要的社会和经济意义。立足于国家战略,石油将成为国家的生命线。构造物理模拟实验是帮助地质学家认识构造变形过程、研究构造形成机制的重要方法,对我国油气资源勘探具有指导意义。80年代中期以来,构造物理模拟方法在含油气盆地构造研究中取得了显著成就.在构造物理模拟实验过程中,人们一直十分重视盆地构造的砂箱研究工作,进行了一系列有关盆地伸展、挤压、反转、走滑构造的基础实验研究。尽管我国科研人员家通过现有的构造物理模拟实验设备进行了大量的科学研究,并取得了丰硕的科研成果,但现有的试验设备仍然存在不少缺陷,不能更加科学的模拟含油气盆地浅层岩石脆性变形过程,为了能更加科学的模拟这个过程,在原有设备的基础之上,我们提出构建一种全新的构造物理模拟实验装置。该装置除具备国内现有设备的大部分功能之外还增加了新的实验功能。考虑到实验装置的应该具有基本功能,本论文利用机械、电子和自动控制技术,完成了总体方案的设计,并解决了相关软硬件设计和制作过程中的一系列问题,构建起整个构造物理模拟实验装置(现已交付中国石油大学使用)。该构造物理模拟实验装置的试运行试验结果显示,系统达到了预期的设计目标和功能。不仅能实现原有设备的“一维二向”构造物理模拟实验,还能进行“二维四向”构造物理模拟实验,取得了较多的科研成果。

【Abstract】 It is very important to reaserch the forming process and resson of Petroleum basin tectonic. Bases in the national strategy, Petroleum will become nation’s lifeline. Tectonic physical analogue experiment is an important method to help Geologist to reaserch into the Geological tectonic.Since the mid-1980s, Geologist has achieved Obvious achievement in Petroleum basin with tectonic physical analogue experiment.In the process of experiment, scientist take emphasis on the using of sandbox to research, and take a series of basic experiment about the basin stretch , squeeze, reversion and shearing.Although scientist take pletnty of research work on basin structure using the exsiting equipment and achieved lots of achievement,because of the defects of exsiting equipment ,it can not simulate the actual situation very well.based on this,the scientist proposed to develop a new stucture equipment which can simulate the actual situation of basin strucutre well.Considering the necessary basic function of the new equipment, employing mechanical,eclectronical and automation technology,the profile design was completed.after a serial of problems of relative hardware and software designing and realization were settled,the whole system was completed.The running-in testing result of this equipment revealed the system achieved the expectant designing goal and function.it not only simulate one-dimensional simulation about bassin structure,but also simulate two-dimensional simulation, and achieved a better experiment result.

  • 【分类号】TH703
  • 【下载频次】206