

India’s Nonalignment Policy and India’s External Policy to the Soviet Union

【作者】 陈丛文

【导师】 汪诗明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州科技学院 , 世界史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 早期印俄关系以经济交流为主。印度沦为英国殖民地之后,印俄关系让位于英俄关系。殖民统治期间,英国政府不断地在印度宣扬“俄国威胁论”。俄国十月革命在一定程度上推动了印度民族运动的发展,但十月革命的影响并没有改变民族资产阶级主导印度民族运动的基本情况。1927年,尼赫鲁的苏联之行为日后印苏关系的发展奠定了基础。尼赫鲁时期的印苏关系经历了一个由冷淡到热情的过程。印度临时政府成立后,印度奉行不结盟的外交政策。这一政策是由当时印度所面临的较为复杂的国内外形势所决定的。不结盟外交政策开创了印度外交的新局面,1947年4月印苏建交。然而,双边关系并未获得预期的发展,反而呈现冷淡状态。印度共和国成立后,印度不结盟政策与印苏关系同步发展。印度在朝鲜战争和对日和约问题上的态度以及苏联在克什米尔问题中的立场推动了双边关系走向缓和。1954年的美巴结盟加快了印苏关系改善的步伐。印度通过加强与亚非国家间的合作,改善同中国的关系以及与苏联签署贸易协定,逐步获得苏联的认可。在此基础上,通过1955年6月尼赫鲁访问苏联以及同年11月至12月赫鲁晓夫和布尔加宁回访印度,两国关系实现正常化。1956年印苏两国在苏伊士危机中共同的反殖立场以及印度在匈牙利危机面前采取的观望态度,在促进印苏关系发展的同时,也使得印度的不结盟政策遇到了考验。在印度政府看来,印度的匈牙利政策不过是在国际事务中根据自身利益进行独立判断的产物,而这种独立性正是不结盟政策的具体运用。危机过后,苏联通过对印度的经济援助,在安理会否决克什米尔问题的议案以及邀请印度参与解决中东事务等举措促进了两国关系的友好发展。1959年中印边界发生冲突,印度的不结盟政策相应地做出调整。在坚持不与大国结盟的前提下,印度开始同时发展与美国和苏联的关系。一方面,美国在中印边界冲突中对印度的支持使得印美关系有所发展。另一方面,印苏两国在经济、政治、军事等领域的合作更加默契。

【Abstract】 Indo-Russian relationship in the early period is mainly on economic communication. After India became a British colony, the Indo-Russian relationship became weaker than the Anglo-Russian relationship. During the colonial rule, the British government continually spreads the“Russia threaten”. The Russian October Revolution promotes the development of the Indian National Movement in certain way, but the Russian October Revolution’s influence doesn’t change the basic status of Indian National Movement, which the national bourgeoisie lead. In 1927, Nehru’s trip to the USSR had made a good foundation for the future development of Indo-Soviet relationship.The Indo-Soviet relationship has experienced a process from cold to warm during Nehru’s time. After the establishment of the Indian provisional government, India pursues nonalignment foreign policy. This policy is determined by the India related complex domestic and international status at that time. The nonalignment policy creates the new situation for Indian foreign policy, in April 1947 India and the USSR established diplomatic relations. However, the bilateral relationship has not been developed as their expectation, but appears cold status. After the establishment of the republic of India, the Indian nonalignment policy and the Indo-Soviet relationship have developed together. India’s attitude in Korean War and The Japanese Peace Treaty as well as the Soviet Union’s standpoint in Kashmir question promotes the bilateral relationship to trend to relax. The 1954 American-Pakistan alliance sped up the improvement of the Indo-Soviet relationship. India through strengthens with the Afro-Asian nations between the cooperation, improves with China’s relations as well as signs trade agreement with the USSR, and gradually obtains the approval of the USSR. Based on it, through Nehru visited the USSR in June 1955; as well as in the same year from November to December, Bulganin and Khrushchev paid a return visit to India, the two countries formed normalization relationship. In 1956, India and the USSR in the Suez Crises together built up the anti-colony position and India’s attitude in the Hungarin Crises was wait-and-see attitude, with improving the development of Indo-Soviet relationship, it also made the Indian nonalignment policy face test. From the view of the Indian government, the India’s Hungary policy is just result of judging independently in the international affairs according to the own interests and this independence is the concrete application the nonalignment policy. After the crises, the USSR promotes the bilateral relationship by giving economic aid to India, disapproving proposal of Kashmir problems the UN Security Council and inviting India to join and solve the Middle-East affairs. In 1959, Sino-India border conflict, the Indian nonalignment policy made adjustments accordingly. India starts to develop the relationship with USA and the USSR in the same time is based on the premise that India doesn’t form alliances with the great power. In this background, India and US relationship has developed. On the one hand, during the Sino-India border conflict, the USA gives India support, which makes the relationship between America and India some development; on the other hand, India and the Soviet Union have more cooperation in economic, politics and military areas etc.

【关键词】 不结盟印苏关系尼赫鲁
【Key words】 NonalignmentIndo-Soviet relationshipNehru
  • 【分类号】K351.5
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