

Understanding Adult Learning

【作者】 黄玄哲

【导师】 黄健;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在经验研究中拓展对于成人学习的理解已经成为成人教育学术界的重要研究方向之一。本研究即是立足于成人学习理论,将研究焦点聚集于社会工作者这个新产生的职业群体上,并选取三位社会工作者作为研究合作者,就其产生的质性文本进行的深度解读。通过对这些文本进行的深度理论解读,展示了促进或制约成人学习的现实因素和能动因素,彰显了成人学习的心理动力机制,提炼了三位社工的人生主题,在此基础上拓展了对成人学习的认识,并提出了“以职业为导向的成人学习过程理论”。本论文总共有八章,按照其内在的逻辑结构分为上、中、下三篇,即“导读:研究基础篇”、“解读:案例分析篇”以及“品读:研究发现篇”。上篇研究基础篇是本研究的研究总纲领和理论总统领。在第一章,笔者交待了本论文的研究方向、学术理想、以及研究缘起,它们共同构成了本研究的研究立意。第二章以一个全新的视角向读者介绍了笔者自己的理论创建:成人学习的三大维度和成人学习的概念框架。第三章则对论文的研究构想和研究过程做了比较详尽的介绍。这三章共同构成了中篇案例解读的导读基础。尤为重要的是,通过梳理西方成人学习理论的新进展尤其是生活历史法的内容,研究者提出了成人学习就是社会实践中的个人发展这一论题,并确立了本研究的核心解读框架:一是“能动—社会实践”问题,二是“同一性—人生主题”问题。本论文的第四到第六章属于案例分析篇,其内容来自于三位职业社工的自述,笔者按照可读性原则将总共十万字的访谈文本进行了部分的删减,化为三个独立的故事:凡、亚、爱。每一章的第一节记录了笔者进行访谈的部分过程。它以“对话”的形式出现,并以时间为线索、以主人公的自述为基本内容交代主人公的背景情况。每一章的第二节是按照成人学习的概念框架,对于每则故事根据研究两大子目标进行的解读,包括“能动—社会实践”问题的分析以及对“同一性—人生主题”的精神分析。值得一提的是,把精神分析方法的运用贯穿在三个个案的解读过程当中,是本研究区别于其他质性研究的重要特色与标志。最后两章是本文的下篇,研究发现篇。在对三个个案进行分别解读的基础上,第七章对他们成人学习过程中的本质性命题进行了提升和归纳,并形成了本论文最重要的研究成果——“以职业为导向的成人学习过程理论”,丰富和发展了笔者在第二章中关于成人学习的理论思考。第八章是笔者对本研究方法论的深刻反思,并把它提升到学科发展方法论的高度,论述了批判的质性研究对于学科发展的意义,在对质性研究未来走向的探讨中打牢了本次研究的基础——论证了本次研究的合理性。

【Abstract】 Developing new understandings of adult learning through empirical studies has now become one of the important trends in adult education academy. This research takes "adult learning" as the point of departure and focused on social workers, the newly developed profession in China. It choose three social workers in shanghai as research collaborators, interpreting their texts through in-depth interpretation. Through in-depth theoretical understanding of these texts, this dissertation reveals the facilitating or blocking factors to adult learning, including objective realistic aspect and subjective agent aspect, illustrates the inner psychological dynamic mechanism of adult learning, summaries the life motif of three social workers, and develops a new understanding of adult learning based on these results, putting forward a "profession-oriented adult learning process theory".Based on its inner logic, the dissertation is divided in three parts including eight chapters: Part I is Introduction (Research Foundation), Part II is Interpretation (Case Analysis), and Part III is Reflection (Research Finding).Part I is the guiding part of the whole research. In Chapter 1, the author illuminates the research topic, academic aspiration, and research background, forming the basic conception of this research. In Chapter 2, the author introduces his theoretical work, that is, the three dimensions of adult learning and the conceptual framework of adult learning. Meanwhile, the author introduces the project design and research process in Chapter 3. These three chapters together form the introductory basis of Part II. Particularly, through relevant literature review of new update on adult learning theory and life history approach, the author puts forward the basic thesis of adult learning: adult learning is the personal development in social practice and sets his two core interpretation frameworks: one is "agency-social practice" problem, and the other is "identity-life motif problem.The Chapter 4, 5, 6 belong to Part II Interpretation (Case Analysis). It originates from the self-narrative texts of three social workers. According to the readable principle, the author makes relevant choice and deletion towards the texts which is up to 100,000 words, finally presenting three independent stories: Fan, Ya, Ai. In the first section of each chapter, the stories are presented in the form of "dialogue", and introduces the background information of each informants based on their self-narratives in a chronological order. And in the second section of each chapter, the author interprets each story according to the two core research goals based on his theoretical contribution, including analysis on "agency-social practice" problem and psychoanalysis on "identity-life motif problem. Worth to mention, applying psychoanalysis as a basic tool in three case analyses thoroughly is a major characteristic of this research relative to other qualitative research.The last two chapter form Part III Reflection (Research Finding) together. Based on the interpretation of each case, the author sums up and upgrades the conclusion, forming the most important research finding of this research: a "profession-oriented adult learning process theory", enriching and developing his theoretical thought in Chapter 2. In Chapter 8, the author presents critical reviews and reflections upon the methodology of this research, promoting it to a disciplinary developmental level and demonstrating the rationality of this research through the discussion of the developmental trend of qualitative research.

  • 【分类号】G720
  • 【被引频次】1
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