

A Study on Urban Tourism Competitiveness

【作者】 刘素平

【导师】 邱扶东;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是现代旅游的主要目的地和客源地,城市旅游已经成为现代旅游的支撑,但城市旅游竞争力研究还处于初级阶段,需要不断地深入和发展。为了更全面地认识城市旅游,推进城市旅游的健康发展,本文在参阅大量国内外相关领域文献资料的基础上,运用比较优势理论、竞争优势理论、城市竞争力理论、旅游系统论及可持续发展理论,界定了城市旅游、城市旅游竞争力等基本概念。在分析城市旅游竞争力影响因素的基础上,借鉴旅游目的地可持续竞争力概念性模型,构建了城市旅游竞争力模型,并运用因子分析法建立了城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系。选取我国比较有代表性的两个城市—上海和广州进行了案例分析,最后提出了城市旅游竞争力的提升策略。全文共包括五个部分。第一部分:绪论。阐述城市旅游竞争力研究的背景和意义,介绍相关理论及概念,回顾近年来国内外对城市旅游竞争力的研究现状,并简要介绍本文的研究内容和研究方法。第二部分:城市旅游竞争力影响因素分析。从城市经济发展水平、政府对旅游业的态度、社会文化水平和科技教育水平等宏观环境因素和旅游资源、旅游企业和旅游需求等微观环境因素,对城市旅游竞争力的影响因素,进行了较全面的分析。第三部分:城市旅游竞争力模型与评价指标体系。在回顾国内外学者对竞争力模型研究的基础上,建立城市旅游竞争力模型,并运用因子分析法构建城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系。第四部分:上海和广州旅游竞争力比较研究。在分析上海和广州旅游业发展现状基础上,运用城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系,对这两个城市的旅游竞争力水平进行定量评价与分析。第五部分:城市旅游竞争力提升策略。针对城市旅游竞争力影响因素,从宏观和微观两个层面,提出了城市旅游竞争力的提升策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of tourism, the competition of tourism has gained much attention at home and abroad. But the research on urban tourism competitiveness has just taken its first step. In order to enrich the study in this field, this paper quoted the methods of economy, to define the basic concepts such as urban tourism and urban tourism competitiveness. And make deep research on affecting factors of urban tourism competitiveness. Based on the conceptual model of tourism destination competitiveness, the paper sets up the urban tourism competitiveness model. Following to certain principles and using the factor analysis method this paper establishes an index system of urban tourism competitiveness to evaluate the tourism competitiveness of Shanghai and Guangzhou. Then, the paper puts forward some strategic countermeasures to improve the urban tourism competitiveness.The paper consists of five parts.The first part: Introduction, which aims at explaining the reasons for selecting the subject; the significance of the study; the theoretical basis of the study and providing a brief survey of the related study at home and abroad. The author concludes development of research on urban tourism competitiveness and carries out interpretation from two aspects, the theories of competition and tourism destinations. In this part, the basic concepts of urban tourism are defined.The second part the author analyzes some affecting factors of urban tourism competitiveness from the macrocosm and microcosm aspects, such as economic conditions, social and culture conditions, science and technology, human resources, tourism resources, tourism enterprise, and tourism demand.The third part is to analyze urban tourism competitiveness systematically. Based on affecting factors of urban tourism competitiveness and the conceptual model of tourism destination competitiveness, the author sets up a model of urban tourism competitiveness, and creates an index system of it. The factor analysis method is selected as a key method to build the index system of urban tourism competitiveness.The fourth part is a case study. In this part, the author selects Shanghai and Guangzhou, which are typical cities in China to evaluate and compare their tourism competitiveness on the basis of the index system of urban tourism competitiveness.In the fifth part the author puts forward some strategic countermeasures to improve the urban tourism competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】878