

The Researching of "Yi Ming" People’s Behaviors and Surviving Ways in Chiangnan Area in the Beginning of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王良镭

【导师】 陈江;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以产生于明末清初特殊历史时段下,江南地区的遗民群体为总体研究对象。将他们置于当时正经历着动荡变革、秩序重建、文化重生新阶段的历史大背景之下,从其生存方式、生存状态的多样性;群体组成、个人行事的复杂性等角度入手,探寻遗民士人们在这一系列独特行为表象背后所蕴藏的易代心态与思想文化意识特征。同时结合当时的历史背景、社会环境、文化思潮等外部因素,对易代以后遗民们独特的生存方式及其相关问题做一番探究、总结工作。遗民作为特殊历史条件下所产生的群体,其群体性特征表现在很多方面。这其中,他们于易代以后在生存方式上所发生的普遍变革,便是非常重要的一个方面。考察这种变革产生的原因,我们可以发现,其中既包含有外部政治环境变化的客观影响,同时也是遗民个人自主选择的结果,而遗民们所共同隶属的士人身份特征,也在其中扮演着一个非常重要的角色。通过对此问题综合深入地分析,我们便能够对遗民这一产生于特殊历史阶段中的特殊群体有更加深入全面地了解与认识。江南作为易代以后遗民士人最为集中也最为活跃的地区,在遗民史研究中有着不言而喻的重要意义,这里将其作为本文考察重点区域,以期能够在一个尽可能小的范围内,对该问题有一个全面、总体地分析。本文共分为绪论、正文四章、余论和总结这三大部分。绪论部分介绍了前代遗民研究的发展状况、本研究所要使用到的主要资料;正文一、二两章立足于梳理与遗民研究有关的一些基本概念和问题,并简单介绍了全国范围特别是江南地区遗民总体分布情况;三、四两章则是围绕着遗民生存方式这一论文核心话题展开。第三章从总体上介绍了易代以后明遗民的生存状态及其思想心态。第四章则继续从四个方面进一步分述遗民在易代以后所采用的种种具体生存行为和方法,并结合当时实际情况,对这些具体行为进行理论分析或解释。余论和总结则是对全文所涉及内容进行最后论述、归纳的部分。

【Abstract】 The study object of this thesis is about a very special group of people. In the last decade of Ming Dynasty and the continuing first decade of Qing Dynasty, they were used to having their lives, expressing their feelings and thoughts through some kinds of very particular ways. They lived in Qing Dynasty but claimed that both their bodies and hearts were belong to the former Ming Dynasty, which was defeated by Qing Dynasty in a very short time. They called themselves "Yi Ming", gathering together, refusing to cooperate with the new government, and using their own ways to remember or commemorate their past times. Nowadays, the historians are accustomed to calling them as "Ming Yi Ming", the special people living between Ming and Qing. In order to learn more about this group of people, it’s necessary for us to know their lives and thoughts clearly. The research work should also considering about the background times, outside circumstance, age trend of thoughts and many other objective factors.As the special group of people living in a special time, there are many points of views could be used by us to describe them. Paying attention to their real lives and activities after the dynastic changes, comparing the difference between the past and present, we will find out that these obvious changes happened in "Yi Ming" people’s lives and thoughts not only came from the outside aspect but also decided by their own special characteristics. The influence factors are complex, and in my opinion, trying to figure out them could help us know more about this particular "Yi Ming" group. In the beginning decades of Qing Dynasty, there were many "Yi Ming" people gathering in "Chiangnan", the south area of Yangzi River. In order to make this research more feasible, the thesis will be restricted into this comparatively narrow area. And "Yi Ming" people’s real lives and thoughts will be the keystone of the research.The whole paper was divided into four parts. They are exordium, the four certain main parts and the finial summary. In the four certain parts, chapter one and two are mainly about some basic conceptions and problems relating with the research. The detail describing and analyzing of "Yi Ming" people’s real behaviors and surviving ways are in the next chapter three and four.

  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】3
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