

A Research on Customer Value of High-Star Hotels

【作者】 赵振举

【导师】 孙厚琴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着奥运会及世博会的临近,一些关注我国饭店业的国际饭店集团加快了进入我国的步伐,国内的高星级饭店将面临着前所未有的竞争压力和发展机遇。随着高星级饭店集团的不断扩张,相互间竞争变得日益激烈,尤其表现在优质饭店顾客的争夺上。我国部分地区高星级饭店业已经呈现供过于求的态势,未来的顾客竞争将变得更加激烈。这就需要高星级饭店立足于顾客角度,深入挖掘顾客价值的源泉,不断提升顾客价值,这已成为高星级饭店竞争制胜的关键。在提高饭店顾客价值方面,国内少数高星级饭店能够不断学习外资管理饭店经验,不断为顾客提供规范化、标准化及个性化的产品与服务,满足顾客需求。但是,大多数高星级饭店未能对饭店顾客价值进行细分,没有建立完整的顾客价值交付体系,不想方设法努力提高顾客价值,那么饭店顾客价值的提高必然会遇到瓶颈,限制高星级饭店的进一步发展。本文结合国外新兴的顾客价值理论,基于饭店提供物对顾客而言所具有的价值,即顾客感知价值的角度,对高星级饭店的顾客价值构成进行了分析,并且通过比较分析,将高星级饭店与中低档饭店顾客价值的特征进行比较分析,明确了高星级饭店顾客价值的优越性,进一步阐述了高星级饭店进行顾客价值管理的重要性。本文着重讨论了高星级饭店顾客价值的创造与交付,分析了高星级饭店顾客价值的影响因素,并提出了高星级饭店顾客价值创造模型。针对高星级饭店顾客价值创造模型,提出了高星级饭店顾客价值交付体系,并探讨高星级饭店价值交付体系的运作体系。通过对高星级饭店顾客价值的构成、创造及交付研究,本文提出了顾客价值管理的重点:饭店员工管理、个性化服务策略、品牌战略、顾客关系管理及服务补救等。

【Abstract】 With the Olympic Games and World Expo drawing near, some international hotel Group have entered China to speed up the pace. The domestic high-star hotels will be facing unprecedented competitive pressures and opportunities for development. With the expanding of the high-stars Hotel Group, the mutual competition becomes increasingly fierce, especially in high-quality performance for customers on the hotel. Some regions of China high-star hotels already over-supply situation, customers will become more intense competition later. This requires high-star hotels based on customer perspective, in-depth digging the source of customer value and improve customer value, which has become a key to winning a competition.Enhance customer value of the hotels, a few domestic high-star hotels can continue to learn foreign hotel management experience, to provide customers with standardized and personalized products and services to meet customer needs. However, most high-star hotels failed to customer value segments, not establish a complete customer value delivery system, not trying to improve customer value, then promoting the hotel customers value will inevitably encounter bottlenecks and restrictions on its further development.Based on the provision of the hotel customers and customer value theory, the paper constitutes a customer value analysis, and compared the characteristics of different hotels, defined the high-star hotels to the superiority of customer value, further expounded the high-star hotels to the importance of customer value management. This paper focuses on the impact of factors of high-star hotels customer value creation and delivery and makes high-star hotels to create customer value model. Based on high-star hotels for customer value creation model, this paper explores the value of high-stars hotels delivery and operational system. Finally, the paper proposes the focus of customer value management, such as hotel staff management, personalized service strategy, brand strategy, customer relationship management and services remedies.

  • 【分类号】F274;F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】410