

The Analysis on the Stability of China TV Talk Shows

【作者】 沈萌萌

【导师】 王群;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 谈话节目开始于海外,由于其媒体容量极大、形式轻松自然,以及主持人和嘉宾脱口而出的语言魅力,所以谈话节目成为长期以来深受广大听众和观众喜爱的节目类型。直到九十年代上海东方电视台推出了谈话节目《东方直播室》以后,我国才有了真正意义上的谈话节目。然而令人惊讶的是,在九十年代末中央电视台的《实话实说》走红以后,全国各电台、电视台谈话节目便风起云涌,一发而不可收。本文所要探讨的问题——谈话节目的稳定性,是谈话节目运作的基本原则,是谈话节目生存和发展的要义。目前国内外对于谈话节目的研究已经非常成熟,但对于谈话节目稳定性的深入研究似乎还不多见。虽然稳定性的概念已被提出,但细致、系统地探讨它对谈话节目的影响的专著和人员远不及对于谈话节目自身特点方面的研究。相比较而言,国外的谈话节目就十分注重节目的稳定性,很多著名的谈话节目都是十几年甚至几十年长盛不衰,而我国的谈话节目在这方面则明显处于下风。因此,本文将详细介绍有关我国谈话节目稳定性的情况,其中包含节目稳定性的内涵及功能,影响谈话节目稳定性的因素,和通过中美谈话节目比较分析我国谈话节目稳定性的缺失及解决途径。

【Abstract】 Established overseas, TV talk shows has become one of the popular programs among audience for its large quantity of information, its relaxed form and the charming language by the TV hosts and distinguished guests. The real TV talk shows program in China was formed with the establishment of the Program Oriental Live Broadcasting of Shanghai Oriental TV Station in 1990’s. To the end of 1990’s, with the popularity of the Program To Tell the Truth of CCTV, TV talk shows program in China reached to its height.This Article tries to discuss the Stability, which is the fundamental principle of the development of TV Talk Shows ProgramsAlthough the research on TV Talk Shows program has been in a relatively mature position, there is little research on the stability of TV talk shows. Comparatively speaking, overseas talk shows program is focus on the research of stability of TV talk shows. So this article tries to introduce the stability of TV talk shows program in detail, including the intention, function, influence of the program and to conclude the loss of stability through the comparison analysis between the programs of China and USA in order to tell its perspective solving methods.

  • 【分类号】G222
  • 【被引频次】4
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