

"Appetency" and "Social Norm"

【作者】 孙艳秋

【导师】 聂欣如;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 广播电视艺术, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 欲望与社会规范(戒律)之间的关系很复杂,作为本能的欲望代表着人动物性的一面,而社会规范则代表着人类社会性的一面,人类是这两种属性的矛盾混合体,因此很难将两者完全分离开来,但很多时候,社会规范与欲望之间又确实存在着矛盾。很多电影导演都热衷于通过这对矛盾,表现人类不自由的状态。金基德也很热爱这个话题,他的影片基本上都围绕这对矛盾展开,但他对他们的态度却暧昧的多,或者更准确的说是更难以取舍,本论文想要详细讨论的就是金基德是如何表达他这种难以取舍的态度的。文章分为四章,第一章是对金基德影片的简单梳理,接下来两章分别对金基德如何表现“欲望”和“社会规范’’这两个矛盾实体做了详细的分析。其中,理清了“欲望”、“社会规范”和“负罪感”三个概念以及他们存在的价值和合理性。“负罪感”这个概念是文章中的一个重点,已有的评论文章,大都将注意力集中在了欲望如何在社会规范的强大压力下屈服,而社会规范为什么会具有强大的力量往往被忽视。对此,本文通过对“负罪感”的理解作了适当的解释。在此基础上,文章的第四部分提出了结论——金基德对欲望与社会规范难以取舍的态度,而这个态度导致观众观看时的不愉快。并通过对影片结尾的分析进行印证。金基德在肯定欲望合理的同时,也肯定了社会规范的价值,这种两难的取舍实际上是我们在现实生活中必然要面对的,文章通过对产生这个矛盾的原因的挖掘,指出人类的不自由不在于由于社会规范的压制,而在于人对社会规范的认同。

【Abstract】 The relationship between appetency and social norm is complicated. Appetency is the animal instinct of humankind, while social norm is the side of humans’ sociality. It is difficult to separate them apart completely because they are born as twins and always conflict in the life. Many directors are likely to express the un-comfortableness through their conflict. So is Ki-duk Kim, the famous Korea director.When watching his movies, we feel painful for his attitude to the appetency and the social norm. Ki-duk Kim can not make a choice between them. He is in a dilemma. This attitude is the focus we discus in the paper.The paper is divided into 4 parts. The first part is about the history of Ki-duk Kim and his movies. Then the next two parts discuss how can Ki-duk Kim express his attitude about appetency and social norm, especially a clear conception of "appetency", "social norm" and "sense of guilt". The concept of "sense of guilt" is an important point of this paper. People always pay attention to express how the appetency accepts defeat under the strong press of social norm, while why the social norm has such great power usually be neglected. But in this paper, we will give an explanation. Based on this , the last part comes to a conclusion: the attitude of dilemma expressed in the movies made the audience feel uncomfortableAppetency and social norm both have their values. The paper points out it is the recognition of social norm in life that makes humans feel not free, but not the social norm itself.

【关键词】 金基德欲望社会规范负罪感内化矛盾
【Key words】 Ki-duk Kimappetencysocial normsense of guiltinternalizationconflict
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】542