

A Study of Brand Management of Jingjiang Hotel Group

【作者】 马斯佳

【导师】 楼嘉军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国正面临奥运、世博的大好时机,从而促使旅游业蓬勃发展,导致饭店业在我国也呈现出前所未有的上升态势。在此背景下,不少跨国旅游饭店管理集团携带众多国际著名的饭店品牌纷纷进入我国,试图谋取大份额的市场占有率,直接推动我国饭店业的竞争进一步趋于激烈,而其中,饭店品牌将成为决定饭店市场竞争力的关键因素。事实也证明,国际著名饭店集团在我国旅游市场中取得的成功,正是由于丰富的经验和出色的品牌管理,想比之下,大多数国内饭店至今都没有建立完整的品牌经营系统,这是值得引起关注的严峻现实。锦江酒店集团是我国最大的饭店管理集团,是目前国内酒店业的风向标和领头羊。从改革开放后涉外宾馆的改制,到品牌输出管理;从创建国内最早的经济型旅馆,到顺应集团化发展的趋势,实现锦江与新亚的重组,锦江集团在这几十年的发展,在一定程度上折射出我国饭店业发展的基本轨迹。锦江集团目前已具有自身的品牌管理体系和经营系统,其饭店品牌在市场上拥有相当的知名度。近年来,锦江集团以饭店品牌为导向得到了快速的发展,形成了著名的“锦江现象”。因此,分析和探讨锦江集团的品牌管理在现阶段具有重要的现实意义。本文以品牌经营理论和管理模式理论为基础,分析锦江酒店集团品牌经营与管理的现状,旨在为国内饭店品牌管理理论的发展提供实践借鉴。本文共分五个部分:第一章,绪论。本章为全文提供了理论上和研究思路上的铺垫。第二章,锦江酒店集团的发展历史和品牌管理现状。本章着重分析锦江集团品牌结构和特点。第三章,锦江酒店集团品牌建设和经营绩效分析。本章从品牌经营角度分析品牌建设和品牌扩张的情况,以及研究品牌扩张和经营成果的相关性。第四章,锦江酒店集团品牌管理存在问题和影响因素。本章分析锦江酒店集团品牌管理现阶段存在的问题及其制约因素,以及引入国际知名饭店集团万豪集团品牌管理的成功案例作为推进锦江饭店品牌管理的经验借鉴。第五章,建议与展望。本章就锦江酒店集团品牌管理存在的问题,提出解决的对策和建议,并指出本文研究中的不足及展望。

【Abstract】 China’s toursim is now facing great opportunities because of the forthcoming Olympics and EXPO, while the hotel industry has obtained unprecendentedly prosperous development as well. Meanwhile, the competition of hotel industry becomes more and more fury with numeral international hotel groups entering Chinese market with their world famous hotel brands and aimed to get large market share. Actually, the brand is one of the most important factors that decide the competitve capacity of a hotel. As a matter of fact, abundant experience and effective brand mangement attribute to the success of international hotel groups, while most Chinese hotels haven’t built integrated system of brand management, which has become a serious fact now.Jinjiang Hotel Group is the largest hotel group in China, which becomes leader and guide of local accommondation industry. Jinjiang has experienced the reform of China’s foriegn hospitality, e setup of China’ first economic traveller inn, and the integration of Jinjiang Group and Xinya Group under the background of collectivization, which have represented the development of China’s hotel industry in recent decades. Jinjiang Hotel Group now has built its own brand management system, owned its brand fame on the market, and obtained quick development of brand oriented especially in recent years. Hence, the study of Jinjiang’s brand manangement has a profound meaning at this stage.Based on theory of brand management, the paper study and analyse the brand operation and manegement of Jinjiang Hotel Group and sets it as case study, which aimed to provide some practical reference for local hotel brand management theory.This paper consists of five parts: Chapter I: Introduction. This chapter provides theory and research ideas for whole text. Chapter II: Historical development and current brand management of Jinjiang Hotel Group. This chapter focuses on the analysis of Jinjiang’s brand structure and its characteristics. Chapter III: Brand management analysis of Jinjiang Hotel Group. This section sums up the content of Jinjiang’s brand operation and brand expansion, and research the revelance of brand expansion and business achievement. Chapter IV: Problems and impact factors Jinjiang’s brand management. This part analyses problems and impact factors of current Jinjiang’s brand management, and induce the case study of successful brand management by Marriott International Group. Chapter V: Suggestion and prospects. The last chapter raises the solutions and recommendations to the problems, and points out the shortcomes of the study.

【关键词】 饭店品牌管理锦江酒店集团上海
【Key words】 HotelBrand ManagementJinjiang Hotel GroupShanghai
  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3511