

The Status of In-Service Music Teacher Education at the Middle School Level in Shanghai

【作者】 斛焱

【导师】 姜旼;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究目的旨在探讨上海市初中音乐教师继续教育的现状及对继续教育的意见,并进一步分析不同背景变量(区域、教龄)的初中音乐教师继续教育现状与意见差异比较。本研究采用问卷调查法,以上海市初中音乐教师为母体,采用便利取样,选取上海市9个区,328名音乐教师为样本。研究者根据对相关文献资料的整理分析,编订了《上海市初中音乐教师继续教育现状调查》问卷。内容包括上海市初中音乐教师继续教育培训现状与意见两大部分。调查所得资料以描述统计、项目分析、t检验和one-way ANOVA、薛费法Scheffe method进行分析讨论。研究结果显示如下得出以下结论:一、上海市初中音乐教师继续教育现状教师进修学校是继续教育培训的最主要部门;绝大多数教师参加过校本培训,多数学校都积极推行校本培训。继续教育的教学组织形式中,音乐艺术专题讲座,实践问题专题讨论、系统音乐理论讲授三种形式教师参加比例趋于相近。继续教育课程培训中,授课教师采用的主要教学方法是讲授法和案例教学法。培训经费方面,研究显示教师个人、教育主管部门、教师所在学校承担比例相近,但仍以教师个人承担经费的比例较高。二、上海市初中音乐教师对继续教育的意见教学技能课程方面,半数以上音乐教师希望能开设“多媒体在音乐课堂教学中的运用及制作技能”、“课外音乐艺术活动组织技能”、“钢琴即兴伴奏技能”和“教学语言技能”这些课程。在现代教育科技课程方面,过半数教师表明希望开设“多媒体组合教学”和“教学媒体与学科教学”两项课程。在教学组织及训练课程方面,“合唱队组织与训练”、“乐队组织与训练”及“舞蹈教学”有半数以上的音乐教师表示希望开设。三、不同区域、教龄的初中音乐教师继续教育现状与意见差异比较市区与郊区,1、郊区与市区音乐教师皆在“编写教案能力”、“教学语言技能”、“多媒体在音乐课堂教学中的运用及制作技能”和“钢琴即兴伴奏”四方面技能培训达到显著差异;2、在“培养音乐教师研究能力”和“提高音乐教师的学历”两项达显著差异;3、在培训课程的“经验交流”满意度一项有显著差异。4、在培训问题“缺少严格的培训纪律”方面有明显差异。不同教龄,1、教龄11-20年的教师相比教龄6-10年的教师更赞同采用“开卷考试、平时练习代替考试、通过撰写总结或是论文的方式”的考评方式。2、0-5年以下教龄的音乐教师比21年以上教龄的音乐教师认为“培训内容单调,针对性、实效性差、缺少现代技术培训”问题更为突出。

【Abstract】 This study was to determine the current status of the continued education for in-service music teachers at the middle school in Shanghai and the opinions of in-service music teachers for the improvement of the continued education. Moreover, the factors of teaching years and working location were compared and analyzed.The questionnaire survey and the convenient sampling were applied. The subject consisted of 328 in-service music teachers in nine districts in Shanghai. The data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe method.The results were shown as follows:1.In regard of the continued education for in-service music teachers, the primary continued institutions for in-service music teachers were Continued Educations Schools for Teachers. Most teachers have attended continued education more than once; and most of middle schools encouraged their music teachers to participate in continued education. There are three types of curricular forms such as music art topics lectures, practical teaching discussion, and systemic lectures in music theory. The most often training methods were lecture instruction and case study. As far as the aspect of the financial source, the music teacher, the education administrative departments, and middle schools evenly shared for the cost; however, most of music teachers paid slightly more than the other two did.2.In regard of teaching techniques, more than half in-service music teachers hope that they can receive more instructions in four fields which are "multi-media technologies applicable in music classes", "musical activities organization skills", and "improvised piano accompaniment playing". In regard of teaching organization and training courses, more than half in-service music teachers hope that three more courses can be opened for them, which are "chorus organization skills", "bands organization skills", and "dancing teaching skills".3.The continued education in downtown and suburb areas significantly differ in (1) "syllabus preparation", "teaching language skills", "multimedia application skills", and "improvised piano accompaniment playing", (2) "improving in-service music teachers’ research skills" and "improving in-service music teachers’ education level", (3) in-service music teachers satisfactory level toward the continued education, and (4) the training discipline toward in-service music teachers. In-service music teachers of different teaching years responded to most survey questionnaire questions without significant difference except the following two questions: (1) Ways of evaluation for the in-service music teachers after continued education. Those having 11-20 years of teaching experience preferred to "open-book examination and/or daily practice rather than close-book examination or writing paper" than those having 6-10 years of teaching experience. (2) Problems of current continued education. In-service music teachers having 0-5 years of teaching experience rather than the others thought the major problems were "simple training content, less of training focused topic, and lack of up-to-date training methods".

  • 【分类号】G633.951;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】401