

Analysis of Chinglish in the English Writings among Junior-year English Majors in China

【作者】 肖妮娜

【导师】 张春龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能中,写作被认为是一种高级的认知行为,它反映了作者的思维方式和认知特点。中国学生在学习英语的时候,无疑会或多或少地受到母语的影响。这样就会违背标准英语的要求,导致“中式英语”的产生。另一方面,由于英语学习者不可避免地受到母语的影响,在用英语表达思想时,也会在不违背标准英语语法的前提下,产生有中国特色的表达方式,大多数学者将这一类符合语法规范、体现中国文化特色的英语称为“中国英语”。因此,英语教师应该着力帮助英语学习者掌握中国英语和中式英语的区别,从而写出好文章。本文运用语言迁移理论和错误分析的方法,首先指明了英语学习者的习作中可能出现的“中式英语”的原因,然后根据这些原因对“中式英语”进行了一个分类。本文回顾了一下目前大学英语写作教学的现状,提出了一些问题。通过对大学英语专业三年级学生习作的仔细分析,发现了“中式英语”的实例,并按成因进一步细分了小类。随后,为英语教师和学习者提供了一些避免和改正“中式英语”的建议。

【Abstract】 Of the four basic skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, the last one is regarded as the advanced cognitive activity, which reflects the writer’s mode of thinking. As English is a foreign language for Chinese learners, on the one hand, they will inevitably be affected by the first language—Chinese in one way or another. As a result, learners are inclined to produce Chinglish, which is a violation to the Standard English. On the other hand, Chinese characteristics will be more or less represented in the process of using English, which is defined as Chinese English. It can be and is recommended by many scholars to be coexisting with the Standard English.In applying the theories of language transfer and error analysis, this paper is firstly to lay out the conceivable causes of Chinglish in students’ writings. Then the categories of Chinglish are provided om the basis of each cause. The paper also reviews the current teaching of English writing in universities and picks out some questions in teaching. By examining the third-year English majors’ writings, some Chinglish examples are described according to the criteria deduced above. And then some English teaching and learning suggestions are put forward to avoid and rectify Chinglish. In the last part, some recommendations for further study are advanced.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1163