

Design and Realization of Electronic Atlas Based on Flash Techniques

【作者】 唐秀聪

【导师】 黄余明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的不断发展以及数字技术在地图领域的不断渗透,各类地图新品种层出不穷。三维动态地图、交通导航地图、多媒体地图、互联网地图等电子地图产品得到了迅速推广。电子地图(集)的发展完全改变了以往纸质地图的制作方式和表现方法,并在社会各个领域中得到广泛应用。地图介质的转变势必将对地图的设计原则、方法产生影响。在电子地图集的设计研究中,“用户界面设计”、“多媒体的使用”、“动态注记”、“图形冲突”和“屏幕地图的交互功能”等,都是需要解决的核心问题。本文立足于“用户为中心”的理念,以Flash技术为平台,对电子地图集开发制作新途径进行探索。在地图制图可视化原理、人机交互原理以及平面设计原理的指导下,对图集的界面布局、色彩设置、图标按钮设计等进行了深入探讨;同时,结合Flash自身的技术特点,对地图动画、地图数据库、多媒体要素集成等几个方面分别进行了阐述。最后,通过实例《中国热带气旋气候图集》电子版的制作,将Flash技术与制图技术充分融合,运用多种表现手段更科学、直观、高效地对地图中的数据进行显示。使用Flash制作电子地图集从根本上改变了传统地图信息传递的单一形式,使其对于非专业用户而言更加容易接受和应用。同时也填补了我国在大型专题电子地图集制作方面的不足。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology and the permeation of digital techniquein cartography, new map products have emerged in endlessly, such as 3D dynamicatlas, traffic navigation atlas, multimedia atlas, internet atlas, etc. Electronic atlas haschanged the compilation and representing way of the traditional paper atlas and beenwidely used in the society.Map design is tend to be greatly influenced by the transformation of map medium.The design of user interface, integration of multimedia elements, dynamic annotation,graphic conflicts and interaction of screen map are all main problems which need tobe solved in the process of electronic atlas design.Based on the user-oriented conception, this paper suggests the approach to producingelectronic atlas with Flash. By studying the principles of cartographic visualization,man-computer interaction and graphic design, the paper elaborates the interfacelayout, color of the system and icons of the atlas first. Then, with the advantages ofFlash, cartographic animation, map database and multimedia integration are discussedindependently.Finally, in the Climatological Atlas for Tropical Cyclones Affecting China(electronicversion), Flash, combined with cartographic technology, uses multiple ways torepresent geodatas more scientifically, directly and efficiently.Electronic atlas based on Flash has changed the simple way the traditional atlastransfers information in, which makes it easier to accept and implement especially fornon-expert users, and has also made up for the lack of national thematic electronicatlas in our country.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41;P283
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】580