

A Reaserch on the Undergraduates’ Cognitive Traits of Implicit Self-esteem

【作者】 郑翠玲

【导师】 梁宁建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自James1890年首次提出“自尊”的概念以来,意识层面的自尊就成为心理学的研究领域之一;从20世纪90年代后期,Greenwald提出“内隐自尊”概念至今,无意识层面的自尊又成为研究的焦点。多数研究者认为,自尊是自我结构的核心成分之一,对个体的认知、情感、动机、行为表现以及其他人格特征等产生广泛影响,具有重要的现实意义。随着自尊研究的深入,不同自尊水平个体的认知特点逐渐受到重视,一些研究者试图以此为突破口,寻求提高个体自尊水平的有效途径。本研究在总结以往大量自尊研究的基础上,就外显自尊和内隐自尊对认知加工的影响特点进行尝试性研究。本论文包括三个部分。第一部分是研究背景和问题提出。主要介绍了自尊研究的相关理论和方法,包括自尊的涵义、内隐自尊的测量、自尊的结构模型、自尊的生理机制和发展、自尊的现实意义、自尊的认知特点以及本研究的设想。第二部分包括四个实证研究,首先验证外显自尊和内隐自尊的关系,然后分别探索外显自尊和内隐自尊对注意、记忆、归因等认知加工特点的影响。研究一测量了被试的外显自尊水平和内隐自尊水平,结果发现两者不存在显著相关,支持外显自尊和内隐自尊相对独立的观点。研究二要求被试对积极词、消极词和中性词做出与词性无关的选择反应,发现高自尊(包括高内隐和高外显)个体比低自尊(包括低内隐和低外显)个体对积极词汇的反应速度更快。研究三根据被试注视积极词、消极词、中性词时的眼动数据和三种词汇的回忆量发现,高自尊(包括高内隐和高外显)个体比低自尊(包括低内隐和低外显)个体对积极词的目光停留时间更长,低外显自尊个体比高外显自尊个体对消极词汇的目光停留时间更长;高自尊个体(包括高内隐和高外显)比低外显自尊(包括低内隐和低外显)个体对积极词汇记忆效果更好。研究四让被试填写自我成败归因EB问卷,结果发现,对于自我成功事件,高自尊(包括高内隐和高外显)个体比低外显自尊(包括低内隐和低外显)个体做出更多的内归因。第三部分是整个研究的总讨论与总结论。同时,指出了本研究的理论意义和实践价值,最后针对本研究的不足提出了未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Since James put forward the concept of "self-esteem" for the first time in 1980, self-esteem on the consciousness level has become one of the important research fields of Psychology; from the late 1990s when Greenwald brought forward the concept of "implicit self-esteem" up to now, self-esteem on the unconsciousness level has become a new focus of research. Most researchers believe that self-esteem is a core composition of ego structure, bringing extensive influence on one’s cognition, emotion, motivation, behaviors and other personality characteristics, also having important practical significance. As further reseaches been carried out, the cognitive traits of individuals with different self-esteem levels start to be paid attention by some researchers, who take it as a possible breakthrough point to find a valid path to enhance people’s self-esteem. Based on a great deal of former revelant researches of self-esteem, this research tries to detect the traits of influence that explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem making on the cognition processing. This dissertation includes three parts.Part I reviewed the former researches and put forward some issues to current researches. It mainly intrduced the theories and methods about the researches on self-esteem, including the connotation of self-esteem, methods of measuring the implicit self-esteem, the models of self-esteem’s structure, the physiological mechanism and development of self-esteem, the practical significance of self-esteem, cognitive traits of self-esteem and the tentative plan of this research.Part II contained four experimental studies, which verified the relation between explicit self-esteem and implicte self-esteem firstly, then explored the respective effect of explict self-esteem and implict self-esteem on attention, memory, attribution.In Study i, explict self-esteem and implict self-esteem of subjects were measured. The result showed no remarkable correlativity exsiting between explict self-esteem level and implict self-esteem level, supported the view that explict self-esteem and implict self-esteem are independent in a certain extent. In Study ii, subjects were requested to make selective responses having nothing to do with the word’s property among positive adjectives, negative adjectives and neutral adjectives. Results revealed that, the individuals who own high self-esteem (including high implict self-esteem and high explict self-esteem) responded faster to positive adjectives than those own low self-esteem (including low implict self-esteem and low explict self-esteem). According the eye-movement data when the subjects watching the positive adjectives, negtive adjectives, neutral adjectives and the numbers of these adjectives the subjects remembered, studyiii found that the high self-esteem (including high implict self-esteem and high explict self-esteem) individuals had their eyes dwelled on positive adjectives for longer time than the low self-esteem(including low implict self-esteem and low explict self-esteem) individuals, the low explict self-esteem individuals had their eyes dwelled on negtive adjectives for longer time than the high explict self-esteem individuals; The high self-esteem (including high implict self-esteem and high explict self-esteem) individuals rememberd more positive adjectives than the low self-esteem (including low implict self-esteem and low explict self-esteem) individuals. In study iv, subjects completed an EB questionnaire about the successes and failures of themselve’s.The results showed that, for the successful things about themselves, the high self-esteem (including high implict self-esteem and high explict self-esteem) individuals made more attributions to themselves than the low self-esteem (including low implict self-esteem and low explict self-esteem)individuals.Part III is the general discussion and overall conclusion of the whole research. At the same time, the theoretical and practical significance of this research were pointed out. In the end, contraposing the shortcoming in this research, the prospects of future reseach was put forward.

  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】717