

Study of Theory and Practice of Teachers’ Professional Development in Colleges and Universities

【作者】 胡益波

【导师】 唐安国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自1999年高等院校大规模扩大招生以来,高校办学规模迅速扩大,师资队伍建设问题已成为高校发展的瓶颈,尤其是对于师资队伍结构不尽合理的地方性高校而言。关注教师个体专业发展,提高教师队伍整体素质、提高教学质量进而提高学校整体办学水平已引起业界的高度重视,高校教师专业发展问题也因此引起学界的关注。本文旨在通过对地方性高校教师专业发展问题的探讨,探求促进教师专业发展的策略,从而为地方性高校人事部门及其他职能部门制订教师培养、教师评价等管理制度与政策提供参考,以谋求学校与教师个人的共同发展。论文首先从相关文献研究出发,阐明了教师专业发展的基本理论,包括教师专业发展的内涵、发展途径及教师专业发展的必然性。接着,以此理论研究为基础,结合自己多年师资管理工作实践,探讨了地方性高校教师专业发展的独特内涵、发展阶段及发展特点。文中又以浙江省高校为例,在分析该省“十五”期间师资队伍结构变化的基础上,探讨了地方性高校教师专业发展存在的主要问题及成因。而后通过对浙江省的一所地方性高校相关教师专业发展的案例研究,进一步论证了地方性高校教师专业发展的内涵、发展阶段与发展特点,揭示了地方性高校教师个体专业发展与学校发展的互动关系。最后,在上述理论与实践研究的基础上,从政府、学校、个人等方面提出了促进地方性高校教师专业发展的策略。研究发现,高校教师的专业发展是一个终身持续的过程,是贯穿教师职业生涯的一种终身学习。提高教学质量,教师的专业素养和教学能力是关键。论文对地方性高校教师专业发展特点及过程进行了“描述性”研究,由于研究时间与本人能力所限,缺少沿着时间维度对地方性高校教师专业发展的诸方面作深入研究,以寻求更加行之有效的教师专业发展策略,建构具有一定创新性的高校教师专业成长机制。

【Abstract】 Since the large-scale enrollment of institutions of higher learning in 1999, the school-running scale of institutions of higher learning has been rapidly expanding, thus the construction of the teaching faculty has become the bottleneck of the development of colleges and universities, especially for the local ones where the structure of teaching faculty is not reasonable. High attention has been paid in the educational world to the teacher’s individual professional development, the improvement of the whole teaching faculty’s quality and the enhancement of teaching quality so as to improve the school-running level of colleges and universities, so that the professional development of college teachers has also caused attention in the academic world. This paper, through the discussion about the teachers’ professional development of local colleges, aims to explore the strategies of promoting teachers’ professional development in order to provide references for the personnel department and other functional departments of local colleges to make out such management systems as teachers’ training plans, teachers’ evaluation policies, and so on, so as to seek the common development of both the school and the individual teacher.Firstly, starting from the study of relative documents, this paper expounds the basic theory of teachers’ professional development, including the connotation, the ways and the necessity of teachers’ professional development. Secondly, taking the theoretical study as its basis and combining the author’s years of the working practice of teachers’ management, this paper discusses the peculiar connotation, developing stages and characteristics of teachers’ professional development in local colleges. In the paper, the author takes the institutions of higher learning in Zhejiang Province for example, and, on the basis of analyzing the structural change of the province’s teaching faculty during the fifteenth "five-year" period, discusses the major problems and their causes of teachers’ professional development of local colleges and universities. Thirdly, through the case study of one local college’s teachers’ professional development in Zhejiang Province to further prove the connotation, stages and characteristics of teachers’ professional development in local colleges and universities and exposes the interactive relationship between the teachers’ individual professional development and the school’s development. Finally, on the basis of the above-mentioned study of both theory and practice, this paper advances some practical strategies to promote the teacher’s professional development of local colleges and universities in the respects of the government, school and individualists, and so on.The study shows that teachers’ professional development in local colleges and universities is not only a life-long process but also a kind of life-long study running through the teachers’ whole working careers. It is the teacher’s professional quality and teaching ability that determine the teaching quality. This paper makes a descriptive study of both the characteristics and process of teachers’ professional development in local colleges and universities. With the limitations of both my research time and ability, I have not made a further study of the teachers’ professional development of the local institutions of higher learning in various aspects by following the diachronic dimension, which is to find a more effective strategy of the teachers’ professional development. so as to construct a creative mechanism for the teachers’ professional growth in colleges and universities.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】961