

Women Faculty Interpersonal Communication: Its Characteristics and Application in Their Career Development

【作者】 林静

【导师】 侯定凯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究以H学院2007年3月在校218名女教师为研究对象,通过问卷调查与个案访谈收集资料,展现了高校女教师人际交往的特征以及她们人际交往中的价值取向和社会心理,展示了女教师人际交往与职业发展的关系。文章共分为五部分。第一部分阐述了研究的目的、意义、研究的现状、内容及研究的方法。第二部分从交往对象及数量、交往频度、交往对象的结识方式和场所、交往内容、交往对象特征、交往对象个性品质等方面,呈现了高校女教师人际交往的属性特征。研究表明,女教师交往对象的范围比较广;交往主要活动区域以系内、校内为主;喜欢与“爱好、专业、性格相近”的同事、上下级交往;总体上,女教师对同事的个性品质评价,要好于对上下级的评价;同事间的交往主动结识占多数,更喜欢“面对面的直接交往”,谈论的话题范围较广;上下级间则被动结识占多数,谈论的话题范围明显狭窄。第三部分剖析了女教师人际交往的自我认知、对他人交往的认知和交往的价值判断三方面,调查发现,女教师存在着不同程度的认知偏差,对自身的人际交往不够重视,不能进行正确地自我认知;喜欢以第一印象来评价他人,缺乏客观的判断;交往多以功利为目的。第四部分以女教师人际交往的困惑为主要内容,重点解析女教师中突出存在的交往自卑、交往嫉妒和交往猜疑等现象。第五部分以个案访谈形式对人际交往与职业发展的关系进行了阐述,人际交往是影响女教师职业发展的外部因素之一,良好的人际交往促进着职业发展;反之,职业发展也间接推动着人际交往。

【Abstract】 Through study on 218 women teachers of H college via questionnaires and case interview in March, 2007, this study illustrates characteristics of this group’s interpersonal interaction, exhibits their value orientation and social psychology, analyzes numerous elements effecting their interaction and probes into the relation between their interpersonal interaction and teacher career’s development.This thesis consists of five parts. The first part illustrates this study’s purpose, significance, current situation, content and methodology. The second part exhibits characteristics of university women teachers’ interpersonal interaction from such aspects as: interaction amount, frequency of interaction, channel and place of interaction, content of interaction, feature and personality of interaction objects. The characteristics include: women teachers have limited interaction amount; interaction place is mainly around their own department; they prefer to communicate with their colleagues who share similar "preference, specialty and character"; they have better evaluation on their colleagues’ personality; they prefer to have face to face communication with their colleagues and share more extensive topics; they have narrower topics when they talk to their superiors and subordinates The third part analyzes the cognition of university women teachers’ interpersonal interaction from interaction’s self cognition, cognition about others’ interaction and interaction’s value judge. It finds: women teachers have cognition deviation with different degrees; they prefer to judge others with their first impression and lack objective judgment; their interpersonal interaction has obscure value orientation. The fourth part is mainly about bewilderment in university women teachers’ interpersonal interaction. The bewilderment is focused on interaction inferiority, interaction envy and interaction suspicion. The fifth part reveals the relation between interpersonal interaction and career development through case interview. It concludes that interpersonal interaction and career development supplement each other. In other words, interpersonal interaction improves career development meanwhile career development lubricates interpersonal interaction.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】596