

The Study on the Duality of Household Consumption Structure of the New Generation of Peasant Workers in Shanghai

【作者】 陶树果

【导师】 文军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 社会学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 学术界有关城市(城镇)和农村居民的家庭消费结构的研究成果相当丰富,而对农民工群体消费结构的研究,却鲜有涉足。笔者源于对农民工群体的关注,选择了以家庭流动方式来上海务工经商的新生代农民工家庭的消费结构为研究对象。笔者通过文献研究法、结构访谈法和参与式观察法等研究方法获得第一手资料,运用消费社会学相关理论对资料进行定性分析,在此基础上提出了新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构的二元性问题。本文第二部分论述了新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构二元性的表现和特征。先从食品、住房、服装、子女教育、休闲与娱乐等五个主要方面分析了二元性的诸多表现,再总结了农民工家庭消费结构二元性的三个特征,即生存型消费仍占主导,但享受型、发展型消费已有所提高,上海的“低消费”与家乡的“高消费”对比鲜明,消费观念呈现出现代城市消费观念的特征。本文第三部分,论述了新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构二元性的原因。笔者认为,新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构的二元性,不仅与家庭经济收入相对较低、且具有暂时性和不稳定性,受教育程度相对较低,参照群体的双重性及与农村的联系密切等自身因素有关,更与社会保障制度的缺失、传统文化的影响、土地保障功能的削弱及社会支持网络的局限等社会环境因素有关。本文第四部分,探讨了新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构二元性带来的社会效应:一方面,促进了上海市经济社会的发展,繁荣了农村经济,推动了我国的城镇化进程;另一方面,制约了农民工自身的城市化进程,遏制了国内有效需求的扩大,在一定程度上还造成了社会资源的极大浪费。最后,笔者认为,我国二元性的城乡社会结构是导致新生代来沪农民工家庭消费结构二元性的根本原因。只有剥离附加在户籍制度的社会福利制度,使户籍制度回归到人口登记制度的原貌上来,逐步建立和完善覆盖城乡的社会保障制度体系,逐渐消灭二元性的城乡社会结构,才能从根本上解决这一问题,才能顺利完成我国的城市化进程。

【Abstract】 Academic circle has paid great attention to household consumption structure of urban (and towns) residents and rural residents, and has got considerable research results, but the household consumption structure of peasant workers, actually seldom involved. The author stemmed from the attention on peasant workers and chose the families of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai as the object of study. In this paper, by methods of literature research, structure interviews and participatory observation, the author obtains and analyzes the first materials, with the Consumer Sociological Theory. Based on this, the author proposes the problem of the duality of the household consumption structure of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai.The second part discusses the performance and characteristics of the duality of household consumption structure of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai. The author analyzes the present situation of the Duality from five major aspects, such as food, housing, clothing, children’s education, leisure and entertainment, and then summarized three characteristics of the Duality. That is, the survival consumption still occupied the leadership, but enjoyment, development consumption have being increased; "low consumption" in Shanghai contrasts sharply with the "high consumption" in hometown; the consumption concept presents the characteristic of modern consumption concept.The third part treats the reasons of the duality of household consumption structure of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai. In the author’s opinion, the Duality is not only in relation to the income which is relatively low, temporary and unstable, the level of education, the duality of the Reference groups, and close contact with hometown, but also to the deficiencies of the social security system, the impact of traditional culture, the decrease of the function of land protection and limitations of social support networks.The third part discusses the social effect which has been brought by the duality of household consumption structure of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai. On the one hand, it promotes the economic and social development in Shanghai and the hometown, and the process of urbanization; On the other hand, it has restricted its own the process of urbanization, curbed the expansion of domestic effective demand, also , to a certain extent, caused a great waste of social resources. Finally, the author believes that the root cause of the Duality is that China’s urban and rural dual social structure. Only make the household registration system return to its original appearance, gradually perfect the social security systems, and eliminate the dual social structure, can fundamentally solve this problem, complete the process of China’s urbanization.

【关键词】 新生代消费结构二元性
【Key words】 the new generationconsumption structurethe duality
  • 【分类号】D412.6;F323.8
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】662