

Senior Single Female

【作者】 黄志兰

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年,“剩女”成为当代大龄未婚女性的一个新称号。“剩女”,又称为“3S”女(Single、Senventies、Stuck)。根据教育部2007年8月的公布,“剩女”是指“高学历、高收入、高个子的一群在婚姻上得不到理想归宿的大龄女青年”。我国改革开放以来,综合国力迅速增强,人民的物质生活和精神生活水平都上了一个新台阶,女性的身份和地位也得到了前所未有的提高,可是媒体却称我们进入了“剩女时代”。“剩女”的客观存在,不仅引发了媒体的广泛关注,而且也受到社会学、心理学等科学领域的重视。受传统观念和生理变化的影响,“剩女”个体的身心健康及其家庭成员的精神面貌应引起社会和学者的关注。此外,“剩女”现象的长期存在,易对社会产生一些消极效应,影响和谐社会的构建。“剩女”当前的主要任务之一就是择偶。本研究以“剩女”为研究对象,在文献综述的基础上,结合量的研究和质的研究,采用问卷调查、访谈和案例研究等方法,旨在通过研究呈现“剩女”择偶期的心理状态,帮助社会和他人客观看待“剩女”现象;为心理咨询行业开展心理辅导和援助等服务提供线索和资料;为社会及相关组织制定针对性措施和方法提供参考。本研究分三部分:第一,以孤独体验、生活满意度问卷入手,测查“剩女”在择偶期心理状态的情绪和认知水平,并与同龄人进行比较研究,了解该群体的身心健康水平;第二,以半开放式访谈问卷对“剩女”进行访谈,以其情感经历为线索,分析其择偶过程中的心理状态变化特点,探讨相关影响因素;最后通过心理咨询案例报告,就如何应对“剩女”择偶时存在的心理不适应问题进行分析讨论,提出一些建议和方法。主要结果和结论包括:1、在生活满意度的两个指数上,“剩女”在LSIA上得分最低,但群组间差异都不显著。2、“剩女”的情感孤独体验非常显著地高于已婚女性;而在社会孤独体验上“剩女”则显著低于“剩男”。3、“剩女”择偶的心理状态之情绪变化一般从着急到平和到无奈;择偶动机主要源自生理条件变化;基本能客观认识和评价现状,但普遍认为自己的心理年龄没有生理年龄大;择偶行为基本是主动积极的。4、“剩女”的择偶方式倾向于自由恋爱或亲友介绍,普遍要求男方能够满足自己的情感需要。5、“剩女”的择偶心理状态明显受到个体生理变化、个性、家庭、社会和以往感情经历的影响,主要受个性和生理变化影响,而社会影响相对减弱。

【Abstract】 In recent years,"3S Lady" has become a common name for those who were born in 1970’s,and are still single and stuck.As explained in the new vocabulary list published by the Ministry of Education in August of 2007,"3S Lady" refers to those white-collar ladies with economic independence,high education and tall figure.With the rapid development of China,people’s living standard and spiritual life has been up to a new level,and female status has risen quickly.But the press declares that we have already stepped into a "3S Lady Age".As we all know,the phenomenon of "3S Lady" has not only aroused the focus of the press,but been an issue of intense interest to socialists and psychologists.This phenomenon brings many disadvantages,such as higher social cost on living and worse psychological state of those individuals and their families.And it has become an unfavorable factor to social stability and harmony.Spouse-selection is the most important task for those 3S Ladies.Taking 3S Ladies as our research object,reviewing the theories about spouse selection and psychological state in both western and Chinese societies,combining quantitative and qualitative measures,and collecting the materials by the methods of questionnaire, interview and case-study,the research probes and describes the psychological state of those 3S Ladies,and then discusses the influential factors of the psychological state and gives some advice on it.The main results and conclusions of the research are:1)LSIA of 3S Ladies is the lowest among all the groups.2)3S Ladies’ feeling of emotional loneliness is significantly stronger than married females;but their feeling of social isolation is significantly weaker than "3S gentlemen".3)During the process of spouse selection, the mood of 3S Ladies is changing from anxiousness to calmness;the motive is mostly the physiological decaying;their observation and evaluation of the status is objective;their behavior is active.4)3S Ladies would prefer to meet Mr.Right by chance or by the introduction of their friends and relatives,and they all think the most important thing is to satisfy their emotional needs.5)3S Ladies’ psychological state is influenced by many factors,such as society,family,personality,age and emotional experience,among which the most important one is personality.

  • 【分类号】C913.1
  • 【被引频次】6
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