

Study on the Application of Enterprise Management Methodology into Colleges and Universities

【作者】 何绪丽

【导师】 沈玉顺;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的不断进步、院校竞争的加剧和高等教育的国际化,高校传统的管理措施已经难以有效应对日趋复杂化的高等教育问题。在这一背景下,企业管理思想方法开始被引进到高校管理领域。在我国,自20世纪80年代初期以来,许多研究者致力于探讨借鉴企业管理思想方法改善高校管理,部分高校还将企业管理思想方法引进学校。本文采用文献研究法,从理论和实践两个层面系统分析了企业管理思想方法在我国高校的应用问题。研究发现,萌芽于西方的当代企业管理思想方法,在适应社会进步和企业发展的过程中不断演变,如今已形成包含战略管理、组织管理、运营管理、营销管理、质量管理、人力资源管理在内的一整套企业管理思想方法;从英美等国的情况看,企业管理思想方法对高校的影响,经历了相互隔绝、思想影响和借鉴引进等不同的阶段,目前处于反省时期;国外高校对企业管理思想方法的引进,更多的不是以其方法技术上的成功运用为标志,而是对高校管理思想和实践产生潜移默化的影响。我国有关企业管理思想方法在高校应用的研究,包含了几乎所有当代企业管理主要思想方法,但研究中存在着对企业管理思想方法应用于高校的可行性的肯定性预设答案;对企业管理思想方法的生搬硬套;研究的重复性很高;理论研究与高校管理实践脱节;手段与目的的混淆;研究的针对性不强等问题;而在实践层面,我国高校应用较多的主要是战略管理/规划、全面质量管理、ISO认证体系等具体的管理方法,理论研究中探讨的大部分管理思想方法并没有在实践中得到应用,实际运用中也存在着应用时急功近利的心理;对人员积极性和资源耗费的忽视;实践效果的不显著甚至不能达到预期效果等问题。针对我国企业管理思想方法在高校运用的研究和实践中存在的问题,本文通过对高校环境变化的考察和对高校与企业异同的比较分析,肯定了借鉴企业管理思想方法改善高校管理的必要性和可行性,并从管理思想方法的角度提出了高等学校活动不同,对企业管理思想方法的适应性不同、企业管理思想方法不同,对高等学校活动的适应性不同、注意企业管理思想方法关注的重点与高校不同、关注企业管理思想方法解决问题的思路,适当降低标准化要求,从高校的角度提出了将高校的各管理要素,包括校长、教师、学生以及辅助性管理制度与文化、管理机制与模式等各方面进行适应性调整,以增强企业管理思想方法在高校应用的可行性、提高其应用效果等对策建议。

【Abstract】 With the advancement of science and technology, the intensification of the competition between colleges and universities as well as the internationalization of higher education, the traditional management measures are currently incompetent to deal with the gradually complicated problems facing the advanced education. In response to these changes, the enterprise management methodology has been introduced into the management of colleges and universities. In our country, a number of researchers have been concentrating on improving the university management by these methodologies, and also some universities applied the enterprise management methodologies. This thesis mainly uses documentation method, systemically analyzing the application of enterprise management methodology into colleges and universities from the theoretical level and the operational level.According to the previous studies we can know that the modern enterprise management methodology, which origins from the West, has evolved with the advancement of society and the development of enterprise. And up to now, there is a sound enterprise management methodological system, including strategic management、organization activities management, the quality management、marketing management and human resource management. From the situation of the West, the influence of enterprise management methodology to colleges and universities has experienced four stages, at first no influence, then a little, then a lot, and at last disappearance. The success of enterprise management methodology applied in western colleges and universities was measured by change and influence unobtrusively and imperceptibly, instead of some methodologies’ successful application.The research of the application of enterprise management methodology into colleges and universities in our country almost includes all of the contemporary enterprise management methodologies. The main problems in the previous studies include: mechanical application、highly repeatability、superficiality、low pertinence and the confusion of objective and track. When it comes to the practice, there are only several methodologies applied, such as Strategic Management and Planning、Total Quality Management、Certification of International Standardization Organization. In the practice, there lie some problems too, which include the psychology of being eager for quick success and instant benefit, the neglect of the enthusiasm of the staffs and the costs of the resources、the inconspicuousness of the result, or it even can’t reach the original expectation.In accordance with these problems, this thesis analyzes how the environment of higher education changes, compares the similarities and differences between enterprise and universities, and then approves the necessity and the feasibility of the application of enterprise management methodology into colleges and universities. At last we bring up some measures to improve the study and practice in this field: linking up process management and management by objectives; reducing the standardization; special management methodology fitting special university activity; adjusting the essential factors of university management, which include manager、staff and student; adjusting the management system、culture、mechanism and model. Then we can use management methodology in colleges and universities better.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1059