

The Design of High-School Biological Circulum and Teaching Resource Sharing Site

【作者】 吴冬梅

【导师】 张文华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 教师是基础教育改革与发展的直接参与者,教师自身的理论素养和实践能力是课程与教学改革成败的关键。教师教育,特别是教师专业素养的提高是各国基础教育的一项重要的策略和任务。面对国际的挑战,国家对于生物学高素质人才的需求日益增加。这对于生物学教师本身的素质也提出了要求,对于教师教育也提出了要求。随着现代信息技术与计算机网络的不断发展,数字化资源有着传统资源无法比拟的优势,教学数字化资源存在的基础则是教学资源网站。因此,相关的生物学课程与教学资源共享网站的设计和构建就变得相当需要。本研究通过文献法——了解教师教育、课程与教学的理论研究以及国内外中学生物学教育网站的建设状况,获取网站建设的理论数据;问卷调查法——了解教师和学生对于几个知名的相关网站的满意度以及对资源的需求情况,获取网站建设的现实数据,并通过多种网络通讯手段完成了生物新教师的网络调查;行动法——探讨以生物学师范生和中学生物学新教师为服务对象的教育资源网站的设计:网页的主要模块和资源的选择及分类,网站的版面、各级页面结构,并用Microsoft OffiCe FrontPage2003软件制作了网站的首页。在文献研究和调查研究的基础上,本研究将网站的资源模块分为4个大类15个小类。4个大类分别是:教育教学背景知识,教材与素材,教学技能以及教育教学研究。在网站功能上,设有站内搜索、论坛、下载中心等模块。在资源管理方面,对于上传资源的格式和文件的命名提出了具体的规定,以方便网友更快速的找到合适的资源,同时也有利于管理人员对资源的审查,提高整个网站资源的质量。但由于网站还没有正式运行,关于网站的种种预设的效果还有待于实践的检验。本研究进一步的工作在于收集合适的资源,与网站技术人员合作建全网站。在运行和管理中,进一步健全和完善网站的功能,更好地为生物学教师教育服务。

【Abstract】 Teacher education reform and development is the basis for the direct participants. Teachers’ own theoretical attainments and the curriculum and teaching ability is the key to succeed or failure of reform. Teacher Education, in particular, the improvement of quality of the teaching profession is an important strategy and task to countries’ basic education. To face international challenges, it is increasing demanded of the state high-quality personnel for biological. This has put forward demands to the quality of their biology teachers also to teacher education . With modern information technology and computer network development, digital resources have traditional resources incomparable advantages. The teaching resources website is the basis form of the digital teaching resources. Therefore, it has become very necessary to design and construct the relevant biology curriculum and teaching resources sites.There are three methods adopted in this study. The literature - to understand the theory studies of teacher education, curriculum and teaching and the biological and secondary education at home and abroad and access to theoretical data of the the building site; Survey method - to find out the degree of satisfaction that teachers and students feel about a few well-known related sites and the demand situation about the resources and accsee to real data of the building site, and through a variety of means of communication network,complet the survery to new biology teacher; and action method - to design the layout of the site and at all levels of pages. Probe into the design of teaching resources site which serves for students majored in biology education and the biology new teachers: to choose and sort the main modules and web resources. And use Microsoft Office FrontPage2003 to produce the site’s home page.On the basis of the literature research and investigation, the site’s resources will be divided into four modules and fifteen sub-categories. The four modules are education and teaching background knowledge, textbooks and materials, teaching skills and educational reflection. In functional, it contains a site search, forums, download center and so on. In resource management, there are specific regulation of the format and the name of the upload resources. It will be much more expedient and quicker for users to find out proper resources, more available for administrator to check up the resources and heipful to improve the quality of Web resources. But because the site has not yet officially run, the effects of the site design are still to be testeb by the practice. The further work is to collect the appropriate resources. With the cooperation of technical staff, complete the building of the web. During the operating and management of the web,improve the site features for better education services for biology teachers.

  • 【分类号】TP393.092;G633.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】504