

The Research of Optimizing Payment Systems for Teachers in Non-government HEIs

【作者】 陈慧敏

【导师】 刘莉莉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经过多年的竞争与发展,我国目前有26所民办高校跨入了普通本科的行列,社会认可度、办学质量都有了较大的提升,已成为我国高等教育的重要力量。民办本科高校要在激烈的市场竞争中健康发展,要打造自身的核心竞争力,建设一只高质量的教师队伍是关键。而薪酬涉及到教师的切身利益,体现着对教师能力、价值和贡献的一种评价和认可,与高校人才资源优化配置密切相关。优化民办本科高校薪酬体系是提高民办本科高校人力资源管理效率,提升人力资本激励效果的有效途径。鉴于此,本论文运用调查研究法和文献分析法,通过对江浙沪三所具有代表性的不同类型民办本科高校教师薪酬状况的调查分析,掌握了影响民办本科高校教师薪酬体系的主要因素。在研究各类薪酬理论的基础上得出有益启示,并借鉴国外私立高校薪酬体系建设经验,避免国内公办高校薪酬体系的不足,试图通过设计民办本科高校教师薪酬体系的优化方案,从而达到促进民办本科高校教师队伍的稳定和吸引更多优秀的人才加入到民办本科高校的队伍中,增强民办本科高校核心竞争力的目的。本论文得出得出以下结论:民办本科高校教师薪酬水平处于中等偏下,教师福利体系不够灵活多样,教师内部薪酬水平不高,教师考核不够全面有效,教师薪酬模式缺乏弹性。民办本科高校教师薪酬体系受到民办本科高校教师的工作特性因素、教师的特性因素、组织环境因素、社会保障因素、其他福利因素、心理契约因素、个人价值观因素、政策因素、体制因素等因素的影响。本论文的薪酬体系优化设计采用岗位要素计点法对民办高校教师岗位进行价值评定,确定权重时采用海氏工作评价系统。借鉴国外私立高校的做法,结合民办本科高校的特点,选取学历、职称、创造性、计划能力、应变能力、解决问题能力、协调沟通责任、教学责任、科研责任、管理责任、工作努力程度、工作强度、心理压力等13个要素为核心的综合评判要素。参照社会薪酬水平和公办高校教师薪酬水平,确定了具有竞争力的五档24个薪级的薪酬纵向结构。薪酬横向结构包括岗位薪点工资、绩效工资,津贴和团队薪酬。福利设计上充分考虑不同年龄层和地位教师的需求。在薪酬体系设计上尽量避免公办高校薪酬体系不能反映教师实际收入,薪酬激励性不强的同时福利收入过大等不足之处。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, there are 26 Non-government HEIs have turned into common universities after many years’ competition and development. They won good reputation from society and their teaching qualities have improved greatly thus they have became a very important power in our nation’s higher education field. In this process, a high qualifies teaching faculty is the key for these Non-government HEIs to enhance its own core competence and develop healthily in the fierce competition. While the teachers’ payments connect to their vital interest and embodies a kind of evaluation and recognition of their teaching capability, values and contribution, so it is closely related to optimize and dispose the human resources in universities and colleges. Thus, optimizing the payments in Non-government HEIs is an efficient way to improve the management and inspiration results of the human resource in these universities.According to this, I use the investigation and material analysis methods to do my research. My paper investigates the teachers’ payments system and analyzes the factors which affect the teacher’s payment system of three typical Non-government HEIs in Jiang Su Province, Zhe Jiang Province and Shanghai City. Based on it, I design and improve the teachers’ payment system in Non-government HEIs. Besides, I sum up the theoretical basis of the payment system and draw some successful experience from the payment system from foreign private universities and colleges. In this way, I help to prompt the stability of the teaching faculty in Non-government HEIs and attract more excellent talents to join them.In this paper, draw the following conclusions: Non-government HEIs teachers at the middle level of partial pay, teachers welfare system flexible enough, teachers within the pay level is not high, not the full and effective evaluation of teachers, teacher salaries model lacks flexibility. Non-government HEIs teachers pay system is impacted by private undergraduate college teachers of the work, the characteristics of teachers, environmental organizations, social security, other benefits, psychological contract, personal values, policies, institutional factors and other factors . In this paper, the pay system optimal design elements of a post method of teaching posts for private universities assessed value, the right to re-establish the adoption of the sea’s job evaluation system. I select the qualifications, job title, creativity, ability to plan, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, communication responsibility, the responsibility of teaching and research responsibilities, management responsibility, to the extent of work, work intensity , and other psychological pressure as the 13 core elements of the comprehensive evaluation factor.I determine the competitiveness of the five stalls 24 of the pay scale of pay structure of vertical. Pay horizontal position salary structure, including wages, performance pay, allowances and team pay. Benefits designed to take full account of different ages and status of teachers needs. In the pay system designed to avoid the Teachers pay system in government HEIs does not reflect the actual income, pay incentive is not strong, while the revenue too much, and so inadequate.

【关键词】 民办本科高校教师薪酬体系
【Key words】 Non-government HEIsTeachersPayment Systems
  • 【分类号】G647.5;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】833