

【作者】 王爱荣

【导师】 康瑞华;

【作者基本信息】 中共辽宁省委党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会已经写入党的十七大报告,这成为新时期数亿中国人民的奋斗目标。和谐社会不是统一无差别的社会,但一定是弱势群体权利得到充分保护的社会。现阶段,我国还存在相当数量的弱势群体,其权利状况需要引起全社会的重视。因此,在和谐社会视角下,关注弱势群体问题显得尤为重要。改革开放以来,体制转变、结构调整、社会转型,这一系列的变化使得经济快速发展的同时,也带来了社会阶层的分化,社会弱势群体的出现具有必然性。今天的社会弱势群体主要包括下岗失业人员、进城务工人员及从事农业劳动的农村劳动者,他们物质贫困、心理脆弱,缺乏经济、政治和社会机会而在社会上处于不利地位。社会弱势群体的弱势实质是一种权利弱势,他们不能主宰权利的分配,其权利难以实现,易受侵犯,且不容易得到救济,因此,对弱势群体的保护要从权利保护入手。作为一种保护方式,权利具有可行性和优越性。在构建和谐社会的过程中,保护弱势群体具有迫切性,它是世界人权的发展趋势,是建设和谐社会的题中之意,更是维护国家政治稳定的需要。我国一直极其重视对弱势群体的权利保护,在立法保护和政策保护方面都作出了诸多努力,但仍然存在一些不足之处,弱势群体部分基本权利如生存权、平等权、劳动权、受教育权等未得到有效的和根本的实现,需要加以完善。对弱势群体的权利保护是一项系统工程,需要在许多方面进行加强和完善,要贯彻“以人为本”的原则、平等与区别对待相结合的原则、倾斜保护原则和最大效益原则。措施方面主要有如下几点:1.法律制度的设计,包括完善立法、加强司法救助、加大法律援助;2.健全社会保障体系,包括完善最低生活保障制度、社会保险制度、住房保护制度和自然灾害紧急救助制度;3.行政制度建设,最大程度发挥政府的保护职能;4.重构利益表达机制,畅通弱势群体的利益表达渠道。总之,对弱势群体的权利保护是人类的自然心理,是人类道德意识的体现,符合社会正义的要求和人类进步的法则。但这是一个渐进的过程,不可能一蹴而就,它的实现需要全方位的努力和完善。只有弱势群体的权利得到充分保护,构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大目标才能真正实现。

【Abstract】 Building the socialist harmonious society has been written into the Party’s 17th reports, which is the goal that Chinese people are striving for in the new period. The harmonious society is not a society of unification and no differences , but one in which the rights of vulnerable groups are fully protected. Now, there are a great number of vulnerable groups in China, and the situation of their rights protection needs the whole society’s attention.Therefore, under the angle of harmonious society,the problem of vulnerable groups is becoming more important than ever.Since the reform and opening up, the mechnism changed, structure adjusted and society transformed, all these changes have made both great developments in economy and divisions of social class.It is unavoidable of the emergence of the social vulnerable groups.The groups mainly include the laid-off workers,migrant workers and rural laborors.They are at a disadvantage because of material poverty, psychological vulnerability and lack of economic, political and social opportunities in the community.The vulnerablity of social vulnerable groups is right vulnerablity in real terms. They can not dominate the rights distribution.Their rights are difficult to be achieved, easy to be damaged, and hard to be remedied.Therefore, the protection of social vulnerable groups should start with rights protcetion.As a way of protection, right has feasibility and superiority. In the process of building a harmonious society, the protection of social vulnerable groups is urgent. It is the developing trend of world human rights,the meaning of building a harmonious society and the need of safeguarding the country’s political stability.China has always attached great importance to the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, and it has made good endeavors in the protection of legislation and policies. But there are still some deficiencies, some of the basic rights of vulnerable groups such as the survival rights, equal rights, labour rights, and educational rights,etc. have not been effectively and fundamentally achieved,and need to be perfected.The protection of the rights of vulnerable groups is a systematic project, and it needs to be strengthened and perfected in many aspects. It is necessary to implement people-oriented principle, the principle of both equality and distinguished treatment, tilt- protected principle and the most effective principle.The meaures should include the following ones:1.Design the legal system, including the improvement of legislation,the judicial aid and the legal aid; 2.Strengthen the social guarantee system, including making the minimum livelihood guarantee system, social insurance system, house-protected system and the emergent relief system of natural disaster perfect;3.Build the administrative system and play the government’s protection functions to the largest degree;4.Reconstruct the expression mechanism of interests,and make the expression channels of the social vulnerable groups unimpeded.In short, the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups is human’s natural psychology and the embodiment of human’s moral awareness. It is in line with the requirements of social justice and the law of human progress. But this is a gradual process,which can not be accomplished overnight.It needs great efforts and improvement all-round. Only the rights of vulnerable groups are fully protected,can the great goal of building a harmonious society be achieved.

  • 【分类号】D632.1
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