

Study on Selection of Fillers in Biotreatment to Remove H2S in Biogas

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 李文哲;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 生物质转化与利用工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 沼气是一种生物质能源,一般含甲烷45%-80%(v),二氧化碳20%-45%(v),此外还有少量的氢气、硫化氢、氨等成份。硫化氢是一种刺激性气体,同时也是一种强烈的神经毒物。沼气中的硫化氢不但污染环境,而且还能够腐蚀设备和管道。根据产生沼气原料的不同,硫化氢含量通常为1~11g/m-3。我国环保标准严格规定,利用沼气能源时,沼气中硫化氢含量不得超过0.02g/m-3。所以沼气利用前必须脱除所含的硫化氢。传统的硫化氢处理方法主要有物理法、化学法,但是这两种工艺均大有弊端。生物脱硫具有脱硫效率高,操作成本低,无二次污染等优点。但是生物脱硫的方法应用在沼气脱硫工程的报道很少,所以试验采用了生物脱硫的方法,对沼气脱硫进行了一系列的研究。生物脱硫的过程中脱硫效果的优劣,与所用的填料的特性有密切的关系。不同的填料具有不同的特性,适于不同的场合。若选用填料不合理,则不仅难以达到既定的目标,甚至可使整个生物处理过程失败,导致不必要的经济损失。因此填料的特性、所用处理方法及工艺类型,使用和选择合理的填料,对于快速、高效、稳定地实现微生物的固定化是十分必要的。本研究来自黑龙江省科技厅重点攻关项目,自行设计安装了生物滴滤塔作为试验装置,并且利用这种装置进行了填料的筛选比较试验。试验选择了活性碳颗粒、拉西环、陶粒、沸石、焦炭和组合填料六种材料作为生物滴滤塔的填料。试验比较了六种填料在生物滴滤塔中的性能优劣情况,并得出了以下结论:(1)从填料的物理性能方面进行比较,如比表面积、孔隙率、填料因子等,结果各具有优越性。(2)从填料的挂膜性能方面进行比较,结果表明驯化挂膜周期均较短,效果良好。挂膜效果的排序为活性炭>沸石>焦炭>陶粒>拉西环>组合填料。(3)从填料对硫化氢的净化效果来比较,检测分析得三种填料塔同时完成启动。然后通过进气浓度、进气量、容积负荷、pH值、营养液喷淋量五个方面来进行比较净化的效果,试验的结果为活性炭>沸石>焦炭>陶粒>拉西环>组合填料。(4)进行了沼气生物处理的可行性研究和填料沼气脱硫的效果的比较。六种填料塔的沼气脱硫效果都比较好,当沼气进气量增大的时候,去除效果明显一些。试验的结果为活性炭>沸石>焦炭>陶粒>拉西环>组合填料。在以上试验的基础上,考虑价格的影响因素,得出沸石和陶粒的经济性和去除效果比较好。本文为沼气净化的研究提供了新的思路。同时,为了工业化生产沼气的后处理问题提供了重要的参考。

【Abstract】 Methane is a kind of biology energy. It contains firedamp 45%-80% (v), carbon dioxide 20%-45% (v), and little H2, H2S, NH3. H2S is a high irritative and nerve poisonous gas.H2S would pollute environment and erode equipments. For methane produced by different material, the quantity of H2S is always within 1-11g/m-3.However, when using methane as energy, the quantity of H2S in methane could not exceed 0.02 g/m-3by national environmental standard .So the desulfiriztion of biogas is necessary.Traditionally, the desulfiriztion of biogas is applied by physics method or chemical method. But these methods have disadvantages. Bioligical treament of H2S had many advantages, as high desulfurize efficiency, low expense. But there are few reports about biological treatment of H2S in methane. Bioligical treament of H2S has been used in this experiment, and researchs have been applied on it. The effect of desulfurization connected with characteristics of fillers. Different fillers had different characteristics, and have been used in different fields. If choosing wrong fillers, the goal could not be reached and maybe lead to the failure of the whole process. So it was important to choose appropriate fillers for fixing microbe.This research came from Hei Longjiang Province key scientific and technological project. The experiment device which is bio-tricking reactor was self-designed and installed.The study was carried on for the screenings of fillers. Six fillers were choosed for the experiment, which are ceramic ring, ceramic pellet, activated carbon, coke, zeolites, and plastic ring. To compared the performance of these fillers in bio-trickling filter. The conclusions of the research are as follows:(1)Physical properties such as surface area, porosity and fillers factors etc. The results revealed that six fillers had their own advantages.(2)Bio-film holding ability. The results indicated that all six fillers had short periods of domestication and bio-film holding. Because the material of plastic ring was plastics and had bad wettability, so it had longest bio-film holding time.The order of domestication and bio-film holding effect: activated carbon>zeolites>coke>ceramic pellet>ceramics ring>plastic ring.(3)Effect of H2S purification. The six analyzed bio-trickling filters were activated at the same time. Then the experiment compared the performance of these six fillers in bio-trickling filter about gas concentration, gas flows, load, liquid flows and pH value. The order of performance of used packing material was activated carbon>zeolites>coke>ceramic pellet>ceramics ring>plastic ring.(4)The experiment used six fillers on methane desulfurization. And a feasibility research was done about biological treatment on methane desulfurization. The experiment compared the desulfurization effect of six fillers. The results indicated that six fillers effct were good. And following the increase of the gas flows, the order of perification performance of used packing material was activated carbon>zeolites>coke>ceramic pellet>ceramics ring>plastic ring. Considering the effect of price and economy, the result is that zeolites and ceramic pellet have more desulfurization effect and economy.The paper provided a new way of research on the methane desulfurization. A fire-new methane desulfurization technology was designed. The study could provide important reference for the application of methane desulfurization of industrial producing methane technology.
