

A Study of Leadership Education for Asian American Students in American Colleges and Universities

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 桂勤;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代领导教育在美国高校蓬勃兴起以来,对美国高校怎样对学生进行领导力培养的问题,越来越受到国内外学者的关注和研究。亚裔学生在美国高校是一个数量上不断增长的群体,并因其学业优秀而备受关注。目前这一研究在国内开始受到关注,但是针对亚裔学生这一群体的研究还没有人进行。为了更全面的了解和把握美国的领导教育和英才教育,本文在国内外文献综述的基础上,使用比较法,文献法,因素分析法,个案研究法等方法对美国高校亚裔学生领导力培养的现状进行了初步研究。全文共分为五个部分。第一部分导论,提出本文的研究问题并对国内外相关文献进行综述,在此基础上,提出本文的研究设计。第二部分美国高校亚裔学生领导力培养的背景,依据比较教育学的因素分析法,从社会背景和教育背景两个方面进行了分析,指出亚裔人口增长、亚裔美国人运动、教育立法、多元文化教育和领导教育等因素,对美国高校实施亚裔学生领导力培养的促进和影响。第三部分美国高校亚裔学生领导力培养现状,从培养机构、使命与目标、培养计划与内容、培养方式与方法、培养特点与评价等方面进行了系统考察,并指出目前影响亚裔学生领导力培养的因素。第四部分个案研究,以宾夕法尼亚大学和迪安萨学院的亚裔学生领导力培养为例,具体说明与支持本文现状部分的研究。第五部分结论与启示,在前文描述性研究的基础上,针对导论部分所提出的问题,从美国高校亚裔学生领导力培养的背景,培养机构,培养计划及内容,培养特点与评价,以及存在的问题等方面得出结论。从中美教育比较的角度获得对我国民族教育和领导教育的启示。论文的最后提出了可能的后续研究。

【Abstract】 More and more research concerned about leadership education in American colleges and universities since 1980s. Asian Americans represent one of the fastest growing populations in higher education and in the United States. Few of research pay attention to this special group, Asian American students, especially in China. This study aims at exploring the leadership education for Asian American students in American Higher Education from a whole. For approaching the above purpose, reading and analyzing relevant references are the most essential step. This study employs analytical method, inductive method and comparative method as instruments, and focus on the point of view such as related theory, status and characteristics. This dissertation with intentions to make more researchers and scholars pay attention to this issue, as well as a deeper reflection for the current situation of leadership education in China.The whole dissertation covers five parts. Part one with title of introduction focuses on the literature review and the paper design. Part two concentrates on the background of leadership education for Asian American students in American universities and colleges. Part three mainly introduces the current status and characteristics of leadership education for Asian American students in American universities and colleges. Part four shows us a typical case of De Anza College in detail. Finally, based on the results mentioned above, conclusions and suggestions as well as further research are provided.

  • 【分类号】G649.712
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】771