

Research and Design of Light Truck CAN-BUS Application

【作者】 葛雄飞

【导师】 钱立军;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电子技术的发展,利用电子技术提高汽车的性能已经是汽车开发中的一个重要手段。汽车上的电控单元越来越多,传统的线束已经不能满足通讯要求,同时线束大量使用也增加了车辆的重量和不可靠性。因此总线技术在汽车上的应用,解决了信息共享与控制单元之间的高效率通讯。本文针对简式国际汽车设计北京(有限)公司开发的一款高端轻型卡车,对CAN总线在该系列车型上的应用进行了研究与系统设计。通过查阅与收集大量的国内外的资料,对国内外的总线技术的应用与现状进行了分析。本文的课题背景是卡车CAN总线的应用,对国际上主流的商用车通讯协议SAEJ1939协议进行了深入的研究并在该项目上采用J1939协议。本文的主要内容是构建一个适合卡车应用的车用总线系统平台,采用高低速总线结合的型式。对动力传动系统总线各节点通过总线的控制流程与方法进行了详细的研究。对车身总线节点的设置从整个卡车系列的电气平台的角度考虑,结合成本与性能优化设计了各控制节点,并研究了各节点间的通讯与控制时序。通过对J1939的研究制定了基于J1939的车身总线通讯协议。最后对高速的动力传动系统总线和低速的车身总线的网络负载进行了分析,对总线系统通讯是否可靠与安全做出初步的判断。

【Abstract】 With the development of electronic technology, the use of electronic technology to raise performance of vehicles has became an important means to develop automobile.The ECU is used on automobile more and more, the traditional harness can not meet communications requirements and the large-scale use of harness has increased vehicle weight and fallibility. Therefore technology of Bus application on automobile, information sharing each the controller and high efficiency of communications are solved. In this paper, Jasmin International Auto R&D (Beijing) Co., Ltd developed by light truck, research and system design.for CAN-Bus application on series of truck.Through refer and collect of datum in domestic and overseas, the status of bus application on vehicle are analyzed. The background of this paper is CAN-Bus application on truck, study the mainstream of the international commercial vehicle communication protocol SAEJ1939 in-depth and the project adopts J1939.In this paper, the main content is build platform for application of vehicle bus system, including the high and low speed bus type.Control processes and methods through the Bus of powertrain nodes carried out a detailed study. From truck electrical platform point of view to set nodes of body bus, optimization designs control nodes combination of cost and performance and study the various nodes of communication and timing of control.Through research the J1939 developed a body comfortable system communication protocol based on J1939. Finally, the high-speed powertrain Bus and low-speed body Bus network load are analyzed, to make preliminary judgment for the bus communications system reliability and security.

【关键词】 总线CANSAEJ1939节点布线通讯协议网络负载
【Key words】 BUSCANSAEJ1939nodeharness routingcommunication protocolNetwork load
  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】246