

Study on Communication Network of HEV Based on CAN

【作者】 许铁娟

【导师】 赵韩;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了作者在串联式混合动力城市车辆CAN总线和车辆网络方面的研究工作。串联式混合动力城市车辆的动力源与传统内燃机汽车相比多了驱动电机,对整车能量进行合理分配才能实现整车控制策略、体现混合动力汽车的优势。使用CAN总线构建整车通信网络,能够将车辆上主要的控制单元联系起来,可靠实时地实现指令传输和参数交换,并根据多能源管理系统预先设定的控制程序,依照控制策略实现动力源的合理分配。论文结合我国城市公交工况研究了串联式混合动力车辆的动力系统,分析了各控制单元的功能。构建了六个CAN节点的网络拓扑结构,包括多能源管理系统、发动机控制模块、发电机控制模块、驱动电机控制模块、电池管理模块和LED显示单元。深入研究了CAN总线的分层结构和报文传输,同时分析了面向汽车网络的J1939协议的原理和编码定义规则,定义了网络节点的源地址,对HEV通信系统网络报文进行了详细定义。构建课题研究所需要的软硬件平台,包括以下两部分内容:(1)基于ARM和Freescale分别完成了两类高速CAN节点的硬件设计,包括电源部分、CAN接口部分和微控制器部分,并对两类节点在硬件方面进行了简单比较。(2)在内建CAN控制器和FullCAN专家函数库的基础上,基于ARM芯片进行了CAN高速节点的软件设计;在msCAN控制器的基础上,基于Freescale芯片进行了CAN高速节点的软件设计,并对这两类节点在缓冲区配置和验收过滤设置方面进行比较。分别在ADS1.2集成开发环境和HC12(V4.5)CodeWarrior开发环境下建立CAN通信工程,并进行程序的调试、编译和下载。基于周立功公司的CANstarter-Ⅱ开发套件完成ARM芯片的CAN节点通信试验,基于清华大学的MC9S12DG128实验系统完成Freescale芯片的CAN节点通信试验。试验结果表明,CAN节点间能够实现可靠通信并进行报文滤波。论文最后总结归纳了本课题研究的结论和创新点,对在本课题基础上进行进一步研究和探讨提出了展望。

【Abstract】 The thesis covers the research work on the serial hybrid electric vehicle CAN-bus and in-vehicle network that I have done on my issue.What serial hybrid electric vehicle differs from traditional vehicle is its driven motor.The realization of vehicle control strategy and the embodiment of HEV’s advantage is determined by the optimized distribution of whole power source.The key control units can be linked by CAN-bus via the communication network.The instructions and the parameters can be transmitted and exchanged credibly and real-timed.According to the control program preestablished in the multi-energy management unit,the power source can be optimized distributed in conformity to the control strategy.The powertrain of serial hybrid electric vehicle is researched combined with city-bus duty cycle and the function of every control unit is analyzed. Network topology structure of six CAN nodes is established including engine control unit, generator control unit,driven motor control unit,battery management unit and LED display unit.CAN-bus framework and message transmission are researched. Coding regulation and SAE J1939 protocols, which are correlative to the in-vehicle electronic CAN network, are studied in this thesis, and the source address of network nodes are defined,with the HEV communication messages defined in details.The software and hardware platform are constructed which includes following two parts: (1) Designing the hardware circuit of two kinds of high speed CAN nodes respectively based on ARM and Freescale which includes the power module, the CAN interface module and the microcontroller module.A general compare between the hardware also be given. (2) Designing the software of ARM-CAN nodes based on analyzing the internally CAN controllor and FullCAN expert function base. Designing the software of Freescale CAN nodes based on analyzing the msCAN controllor. Bringing forward compare between two kinds of nodes in both buffer configure and message filtration setting.Found CAN communication projects both in ADS 1.2 integration development environment and HC12(V4.5)CodeWarrior development environment, complete the debug,make and download of programme.Take experiment of ARMCAN based on CANstarter-II development suit and experiment of Freescale based on MC9S12DG128 system of Tsinghua university. The test results show that the CAN nodes can realize the reliable and real-time communication and can perform message filtration.At the end of the paper, the conclusions of the research and the innovation points are pointed out, and expectation on further research and development is also put forward.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】273