

The Research on the Fuzzy Controller in the Application of Double Inverted Pendulum System

【作者】 许瑾

【导师】 葛锁良;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 倒立摆为典型的快速、多变量、非线性、绝对不稳定系统,对倒立摆系统的稳定性研究在理论和方法上均具有深远意义。它不但是验证现代控制理论方法的典型实验装置,而且其控制方法和思路对处理一般工业过程亦有广泛的用途。本文首先分析和综述了近年来国内外二级倒立摆系统控制的新理论和新方法,如模糊控制、神经网络控制、混合控制等。其次推导了二级倒立摆系统的数学模型,分析了系统的稳定性、能控性和能观性,并在此基础上给出了线性最优控制器的设计,实现了运用现代控制理论对二级倒立摆的控制。但是二级倒立摆系统抗干扰能力较差,鲁棒性较弱,所以本文运用模糊控制方法对二级倒立摆进行控制,引入了综合误差和综合误差率的概念,减少了模糊控制器的输入变量个数,从而简化了模糊控制器的控制规则,使控制器的控制规则更简单、有效。最后通过对二级倒立摆系统的仿真,验证了模糊控制器具有抗干扰能力较强,鲁棒性较好的特点。

【Abstract】 Inverted pendulum system is a typical model of multi-variable, nonlinear, essentially unsteady system, and researching stability of inverted pendulum system has the profound meaning in theory and methodology. The method and thought of inverted pendulum system’s control can be extensively used to deal with the industry course.The paper analyzes and summarizes new theories and ideas overseas in recent years such as fuzzy control, neural networks control, hybrid control and so on firstly. Secondly, the paper derives the model of the double inverted pendulum and the state-space expression. Analyzes the stability, controllability and observables and designs the linear regulator, realizes the control of the double inverted pendulum. Because abilities of anti-jamming and robustness of these methods and weak, the author uses fuzzy control to control the double inverted pendulum. The paper introduces synthetic error and synthetic error variety, and reduces the input varieties of fuzzy control, thus reduces the control rule of fuzzy controller, and makes the fuzzy controller simple and effective. Because human factors affect the designs of fuzzy controller, the author introduces a kind of adaptive genetic algorithms, which can optimize the parameters of fuzzy control. Finally, a simulation of the double inverted pendulum system demonstrates the performance of the model and controller.

  • 【分类号】TP273.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】448