

A Automatization System Based on ZigBee Wireless Network

【作者】 黄梅初

【导师】 鲁照权;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前DCS中数据采集与监控设备都通过电缆进行连接,限制了DCS的使用范围和空间距离;纯粹用电缆连接将限制DCS在一些极度危险环境的应用,如在极热、极冷、极其潮湿的环境中使用电缆将明显降低系统的可靠性。若引入无线技术,实现数据的采集和设备的控制,不但能减少投资,更能提高系统的性能。基于无线技术的DCS系统,在系统可靠性、可维护性、功能扩展性等方面均具备比较明显的优越性。本论文对基于无线网络的自动控制系统的结构和原理进行了分析,深入了解了各种无线网络技术及其应用情况,论述了基于无线网络的自动控制系统对于工作环境和系统技术的要求,给出了一种经济实用的基于ZigBee无线网络的自动控制方案,将ZigBee无线网络应用到单闭环自动调节系统中,论述了其软硬件结构及工作原理;从自动控制系统的工作原理及环境要求出发,选择了若干合适的元器件,并介绍它们的性能;对于基于无线网络的自动控制系统可能存在的可靠性、延时问题,给出了一种解决问题的有效方案;并根据设计方案,完成了基于ZigBee无线网络的单闭环系统发射端和接收端的软硬件设计,实现了发射模块和接收模块间的数据收发功能;最后总结了全文工作内容并说明了系统中的一些需要进一步解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Today the data collecting and equipment monitoring of DCS are connected via cables, this confines the use area and space distance of DCS: Whole connected by cables restricts the application of DCS in some exceeding environment, for example, using cable in exceeding cold、exceeding hot or exceeding humidity will clearly reduce system security. Making use of wireless technology in DCS carries out data collecting and equipment controlling, it can reduce invest and advance performance. DCS based on wireless technology is better in system security、maintenance and function extend etc.This article analyzes the configuration and work principle of Automation System, home realize all kinds of wireless technology and their application; And the request of work environment and system technique of the Automation System based on wireless technique is explained, and a economic plan idea is given; And finally, the frame and work principle by Single closed-loop control system based on ZigBee are explained. Combining the work principle and environment of Single closed-loop control system, various device of Single closed-loop control system based on ZigBee are chosen, and functions of various devices are explained; a projection of devices choosing of Single closed-loop control system based on LPC is put forward; And according to the project,the system hardware and software is finished.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】13
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