

The Pay System Study of Hefei DongYi Auto Parts Company

【作者】 闫利平

【导师】 严鸿和;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无论在什么企业,薪酬都是人力资源管理体系的一个重要组成部分。一个公司如果没有一个完整的薪酬体系,或者薪酬体系设计的不合理,都会严重阻碍公司的发展。随着国家加大对外开放的力度和经济的快速发展,大量外资企业的涌入和民营企业的蓬勃发展,人们逐渐认识到薪酬管理的重要性,越来越多的企业开始关注薪酬对企业发展的作用。本文所研究的企业,合肥动益汽车零配件公司是一家小型外资公司,在安徽省大力发展汽车工业的背景下,公司也在快速发展,但由薪酬体系不完善所引起的问题已经严重影响到公司的发展。经过调查,并与公司管理人员充分沟通后,认为公司在薪酬上主要存在以下三大问题:一是员工薪酬总量与本地同行业相比偏低;二是现有的薪酬政策不能体现公平、公正性,不仅没有体现出薪酬的激励作用,反而降低了生产效率;三是员工所享受的福利偏少,对员工的尊重和关怀不足,没有重视非物质性薪酬的激励作用。针对上述问题,采取了与管理人员的访谈沟通,与普通员工的无记名调查问卷,并结合现场观察法,最终同动益公司的相关人员达成一致意见,对薪酬做了以下几个方面的改革:一是从总体上设计了一套完整的薪酬体系,使体系的各个模块发挥应有的作用;二是对薪酬投入的总量有所增加,并把员工的考核纳入公司的薪酬之中;三是针对公司存在特有的问题,增加了对非物质性薪酬内容的设计和实施;四是在调查中反映较好的培训项目作为吸引和留住员工一个重要措施保留并完善起来。在薪酬体系设计投入使用后,针对此次的薪酬体系运行状况又进行了调查,并针对在调查中存在的问题对设计的薪酬体系进行进一步修改,以更加符合公司发展的要求。

【Abstract】 In any enterprise, pay system are an important component of human resources management. If a company does not have a complete pay system, or have an unreasonable pay system, It will seriously hamper the company’s development. As our country has increased the intensity of the opening to the outside world and rapid economic development, the influx of large number of foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises flourish, people gradually come to realize the importance of salaries management, a growing number of enterprises started to pay attention to the effect of pay management enterprises development.The enterprise this paper studies, Hefei DongYi automotive parts company, is a small foreign company, in the context of Anhui Province vigorously developing the automotive industry, the company is also developing rapidly, but the imperfect pay system has seriously affected the company’s development. After an investigation, and fully with the company management communication, We has found that the company on pay management had the three main problems: First, compared with the local industry, the total staff salary is less; Second, the existing pay policy does not reflect fair , impartiality, not only did not reflect pay incentives, but lower production efficiency, Third, the welfare of employees enjoy less, the staff respect and care is inadequate and not pay attention to non-material incentives.In response to these problems, taken in interviews with management staff, to communicate with the general staff by the anonymous questionnaire, and combined with the observation, we reach an agreement of pay on the following aspects reform: First, design a complete set of the pay system, so that the various system modules play their due role; Second, increase the salary in the total amount of investment, and design the examination of the staff into the company’s pay system; Third, against the company-specific problems exist, we increase the salaries of non-material content of the design and implementation; Fourth, in the survey, reflect better training programs to attract and retain staff as an important measurement to preserve and perfect. After the pay system design and put into use, in view of the operation of the pay system, we carry out the investigation. According to the investigation, we find the problems that exist in the design of the pay system and, modify them to better meet the requirements of the development company.

【关键词】 薪酬体系考核非物质性福利
【Key words】 Pay ExaminationNon-material incentives
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.471
  • 【下载频次】121