

The Design of an Ethernet-based Remote Measurement and Control System of Fluidized Particle Furnace

【作者】 杨佳佳

【导师】 张崇巍;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪是信息经济的时代,网络成为各项信息交流的热门手段。工业以太网以其独特的优点成为工业控制领域公认的21世纪控制网络的最佳解决方案。目前,基于以太网的工业控制系统正逐渐替代现有的现场总线式控制系统,应用在各个控制领域。针对目前大多数流态粒子炉的温度、压力控制系统仍存在体积庞大,造价高,加热效率不理想,控制精度往往不能满足要求等缺点,作者在论文工作中尝试基于以太网控制系统的概念,实现一个流态粒子炉温度、压力远程分布式测控系统的设计。该系统由上位机和多个具有以太网接口的现场测控单元组成。现场测控单元的设计包含输入输出通道、以太网接口,并嵌入了实时操作系统μc/Os-Ⅱ和TCP/IP协议。测控单元首先采集粒子炉温度和压力数据,通过以太网传送到作为上位机的工业控制计算机,而上位机依据上传的数据实现参数白整定FUZZY-PID控制算法,然后将所获得的控制数据通过以太网下传给现场测控单元执行,从而实现了粒子炉温度和压力的远程测控。论文详细阐述了系统的基本原理、结构和测控单元电路的硬件设计,并给出了整个系统的软件实现和集成方法。

【Abstract】 21th century is the era of information and network is becoming the hot point in the area of communication that exchanges information. In the field of industry control networks the Ethernet is thought to become the best solution due to its special merits. Nowadays Ethernet based industrial control system is gradually spreading into the area of fieldbus control system and applied in different field of industry control.The controllers of those already installed fluidized particle furnace exhibit the disadvantages in volume, cost, efficiency and accuracy, and thus guiding to the motivation of this thesis to design an Ethernet-based distributed measurement and control system. The proposed system is composed of a supervisory computer, a number of front-end measurement/control units, and the Ethernet linkage connecting each of these system components. The microcontroller-based front-end units are designed to embody I/O, Ethernet interface, embeddedμC/OS-II and TCP/IP to perform data acquisition and control action output. In such a system, each front-end unit gathers temperatures and pressure of an individual furnace, and transfer the data via Ethernet to the supervisory computer. The computer performs control algorithms such as the self- tuning parameter FUZZY-PID for each furnace and transfer back to the front end also via Ethernet the resulting control action that is used to regulate corresponding executive such as a thyristor controller heater.The paper gives a detailed description of the thesis work including the basic theory, design principles, system configuration, electronic hardware, as well as the software implementation and the system integration.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】65