

Research on Customer Relationship Management of Shandong Dachi Company

【作者】 邵静

【导师】 袁建明;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 跨入21世纪,我们迎来了信息经济、网络经济、知识经济和经济全球一体化的新纪元。以Internet为主的信息技术的发展,使得企业与顾客之间的交流和协作更加便利,经济活动受地域自然资源等的限制有所减小,产品差异越来越小,行业竞争日渐加剧,客户的要求越来越难以满足。20世纪90年代兴起的客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management CRM),将国际上流行的先进管理思想和当今日新月异的现代信息技术全面融入到企业的日常经营活动中,强调以客户为中心,用现代信息技术整合企业内、外部资源,建立起企业与客户之间新的互动关系,最终提高客户满意度和忠诚度,提高企业的获利能力。客户关系管理具有个性特征,不同行业、不同规模的企业对CRM的理解和需求是不同的,本文运用国内外最新客户关系管理研究理论,以山东达驰电气股份有限公司(下文简称山东达驰)客户关系管理为例进行实证研究,探讨如何在山东达驰进行客户关系管理的建设和实施的问题,希望能为竞争日益激烈的国内重大装备制造业实施CRM作一些有益的启示。本文以发现问题、分析问题、解决问题为主线,以设计山东达驰客户关系管理的体系结构模型和如何成功实施CRM为主要研究内容,在体系结构模型中,笔者根据自己在公司内工作经验提出了三点看法:向客户学习、客服情报、客户亲情,并完善了山东达驰的管理机构,新建了知识管理机构、情报机构。最后提出了本文研究的结论,认为企业要成功实施CRM,首先应以融入先进的管理思想和好的经验、延续企业的核心竞争力和解决实际问题为指导原则,设计出符合自身特点的完整的结构体系模型,然后分步进行:选择合适的软件、建设企业文化、组织再造。

【Abstract】 Entering 21 century, we meet a new economic global integrative era which was filled with information economy , Internet economy, knowledge-based economy. With the development of the information technology especially of the internet information , it makes the business enterprise is more easy to communicate and corporate with the customer, and decreases the nature and local restrict to the economy activity, makes the products’ difference more narrow and the industries competition more complex than before, and makes more difficult to satisfied the demand of customer. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which was popular in the 1990’s completely melt the ideas of the national advanced management and the modern information technique which changed and enhanced everyday into daily management activity of the business enterprise, it emphasizes to take customer as the center, uses the modern information technique to integrate the inner resources and the exterior resources of the company, create a new interactive relationship with the customer , thus it enhances customer’s satisfaction and loyalty to the company in the end.CRM has character characteristic, different industries and different sizes of the companies have the different ideas and different demands on the CRM. This thesis usage domestic and international latest CRM research theories, it takes Dachi Company of Shandong (for short Dachi of Shandong ) CRM as an example, and discusses how to create and implement the CRM in the manufacturing industry. This thesis takes find problem、analysis problem and solve problem as main line,takes design 1 of Shandong Dachi and how to succeed to carry out the CRM as main research contents, in the system structure mode, The writer in the paper bring forward three innovation based on his years’ work experience, that is customer relative relationship, customer service information and seeing the customer as teacher. Put forward the conclusion of this thesis research finally, the writer think in order to carry out the CRM successfully,a business enterprise should follow the principle of melt advanced management thought、good experience、the core competencies of the business enterprise and can resolve the actual problem into the system structure mode, then carry on by the step : to choose the fit software、constuct the corporate culture、give the organization a new life.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】195