

Research and Application of Automated Testing Framework Based on GUI Software

【作者】 黄晓玲

【导师】 袁兆山;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 图形用户界面(GUI)越来越广泛的在软件系统中使用。基于GUI软件的测试也变得日益重要。手工测试让测试人员感到单调乏味,成本高。随着GUI软件规模的扩大和软件复杂度的提高,测试工作越来越繁重,仅使用GUI的手工测试已经不能满足要求。因此,基于GUI软件的测试自动化势在必行。目前业界普遍使用的是商用GUI软件自动化测试工具来实现测试自动化。但这些工具均采用捕获/回放机制,该机制没有对GUI软件测试的自动化提供很好的支持。而如何在现有测试工具上大幅度提升测试效率方面的研究也相对较少。因此对GUI软件的测试自动化的研究具有实用价值。本文较为系统地分析了GUI软件的测试自动化技术的研究现状,结合测试自动化理论和技术,提出了一种比较完整有效的基于GUI软件的测试自动化框架(GSTAF4SEI)。该测试框架不仅支持GUI的C/S(client/server)软件测试,另外还支持当前Web应用程序测试。其中重点探讨了该框架需要解决的三个关键技术:测试用例生成、测试结果验证和测试脚本设计与执行。使用现有的基于GUI软件的测试自动化工具,将该框架应用于Web应用程序“煤质管理信息平台”的测试中,对本文提出的测试自动化解决方案具有的实用价值进行了验证。

【Abstract】 The widespread recognition of the usefulness of graphical user interface (GUI) has established their importance as critical components of today’s software.GUI manual testing makes testers dull and has high-cost. With the wide software size and improve of software complexity, the workload of software testing has more and more heavy. It’s not satisfied with GUI software manual testing lonely. So it is imperative to automated testing of GUI software.There exists many commercial tools for testing GUI software, which are Capture-Playback mechanism-based.However, they haven’t provided enough support for automated testing of GUI software.Therefore it is necessary and meaningful to research on automated testing.This dissertation systematically analyzes the research status of graphical user interfaces. According to the presented theoy and technique of testing automation, It proposes a complete and efficient GUI Software Testing Automation Framework (GSTAF4SEI) .This framework not only supports C/S (client/server) software based on GUI testing , but also supports web application.This dissertation researches three key technologies based on that framework. They are test cases generation, the result of automated comparison, test script design and execution. Using automated testing tool based on GUI software called RFT, The framework applies in the testing of web application called Coal Quality Management Information System (CQMIS).The application value of the solution to automated testing is verified consequently.

【关键词】 测试自动化GUI测试自动化框架FSM测试脚本设计
【Key words】 Test AutomationGUITAFFSMTest Script Design
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】358