

The Application of FPP on Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization Problem

【作者】 李智

【导师】 周永务;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究来源于国家自然科学基金与新世纪优秀人才支持计划。库存路径联合优化问题是将库存控制问题和运输问题集成到一系统中,用一个目标函数来刻画。从研究和应用的现状来看,整合优化更有利于提高物流系统的效率和节省费用支出。国外早在上世纪80年代中期就开始研究库存路径问题,在模型和算法方面已有了一些研究,但在国内对库存路径问题的研究很少见。固定分区法是研究战术层库存路径联合优化问题的一种非常有效的方法。所谓固定分区原则就是预先将客户划分到不同区域中,对每个分区指派一辆车送货。固定分区法中的费用函数有自己独特的结构特性,无论是从建模角度还是从算法设计角度,都使得处理库存路径问题变得简单些。固定分区法的应用非常广泛,不仅可以应用在VMI中,还可以在非一体化供应链中应用。由于在我国大多数情况是供应商与零售商为不同的企业,它们为了追求各自的利润最大化,而不考虑与其它企业的合作。因此研究非一体化的库存路径问题具有更大的实际意义。总的来说,本文主要做了以下两方面工作:第一部分分析了在允许缺货的前提下固定分区法在VMI中的应用。为供应商提出了一个配送计划,给出了整个系统的费用函数,以及求解费用函数的算法。第二部分分析了在不允许缺货的前提下固定分区法在非一体化供应链中的应用。为供应商提出了一个配送计划,给出了整个系统的利润函数,以及求解利润函数的算法。并且为了保证供应商与零售商都可以接受这个计划,提出了一个价格策略,实现了对整个供应链的协调。

【Abstract】 Inventory-transportation integrated optimization problem integrates inventory control problem and transportation problem into a system and use a objective function to depiction. From the research and application status, optimization of these two aspects to make for improving logistics system efficiency and saving costs. As early as mid-1980, overseas scholars had begun to study inventory-transportation integrated optimization problem. The model and algorithm had a number of studies, but the studies were rare in the domestic.FPP is a very effective method to study tactical level of inventory-transportation integrated optimization problem. The so-called FPP is dividing customs into different regions in advance, and assigning a vehicle to each region. Costs functions of FPP have its own unique structure characterization which makes model and algorithm design simpler. FPP has been widely used. It not only can be applied to VMI, but also to the non-integrated supply chain. Owing to the case of suppliers and retailers for different enterprises in our country, they do not take account of cooperating with other enterprises in order to maximize their own profits. Therefore, the studying inventory-transportation integrated optimization problem of non-integrated supply chain has more practical significance.Overall, this paper has done some research in the following two aspects:The first part analyses FPP’s applying on VMI allowed out of stock. We determine a distribution plan for supplier and give the costs function of the whole system and an algorithm of solving the costs function.The second part analyses FPP’s applying on non-integrated supply chain disallowed out of stock. We determine a distribution plan for supplier and give the profits function of the whole system and an algorithm of solving the profits function. Moreover, in order to ensure that suppler and retailers can accept this plan, we put forward a pricing strategy to realize the whole supply chain coordination.

  • 【分类号】F224;F253.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】134