

The Analysis of Mining Area’s Land Use System and Updating of Elements Based on GIS Technology

【作者】 陈玉

【导师】 葛晓光;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 将地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)作为技术手段应用到张集矿区土地利用管理中。将张集矿区遥感影像解译结果作为主要数据源,结合矿区土地利用类型基础数据库,在ArcGIS9.0平台下实现对矿区土地利用系统的更新。完成的主要工作包括:①在安徽省土地利用类型系统数据库(淮南矿区部分)的基础上提取出张集矿区井田土地利用系统图,作为土地利用系统要素更新的本底图层。②在中国资源卫星应用中心的网站选取并下载合适的CBERS数据,所选数据的成像时间分别为2000年和2007年,对其进行几何校正、图像增强预处理后,选定并裁剪出张集井田区域,作为更新原土地利用系统的主要信息源之一。③计算归一化植被指数NDVI作为提取水体信息的手段;采用计算机自动分类辅以目视解译的方法对遥感影响进行解译,并结合原始土地利用系统图,提取出矿区开采塌陷积水区及新建工业广场、公路、铁路等空间要素信息。④从原始土地利用系统中提取各种土地利用类型要素,分别对矿区开采塌陷要素进行叠加分析,得出开采塌陷影响各种土地利用类型的范围和准确影响面积结果。⑤结合遥感图像解译结果,对原数据库内矢量要素进行匹配调整,完成对张集矿区土地利用系统的更新,并以专题地图和表格的形式将研究区内土地利用动态变化情况表示出来。⑥针对开采塌陷对矿区生态环境的影响,提出张集井田开采沉陷综合治理措施,为张集矿区土地复垦规划、生态环境综合整治及生态恢复措施提供相关依据。

【Abstract】 GIS and RS are used as technical means into the management on land use in mining area. The result of the interpretation of remote sensing images are used as the main source data in updating original land-use system in ArcGIS9.0.Zhangji mining area’s original land-use system map is extracted on the basis of the land-use type database in Huainan mining area of Anhui Province. The map is used as the background map .The CBERS images of Zhangji mining area in 2000 and the images in 2007 are selected and downloaded from the website of the China Center for Resource Satellite Data and Applications (CRESDA). After the pretreatment works such as geometric correction and image enhancement, Zhangji mining area are selected and cut down. They are one of the main sources of original land-use system updating information.The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is calculated, and the spatial elements such as the mining subsided land and the new mining industrial square, roads and railways are extracted by the computer automatic classification method assisted by visual interpretation combining with the original land-use system.Overlay analyses between mining subsidence and original land-use elements are done in order to get the scope and exact area of each type of land-use affected by subsidence.According to the overlay results and RS images, the vector elements in Zhangji mining area’s land use syetem are updated. The change of dynamic land use in study area is showed by the thematic maps and tables.According to the effect of subsidence on environment, the renovate measure of mining subsidence in Zhangji mining area is put forward. The related basis of land reclamation planning, environment comprehensive management and ecology restoration measure in Zhangji mining area is provided.

【关键词】 GISRS上地利用开采塌陷ArcGIS9.0生态环境
【Key words】 GISRSLand-usemining subsidenceArcGIS9.0Ecological environment
  • 【分类号】TP29-A1;F301
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】198