

Research on Medical Cases Model Based on Ontology

【作者】 笪磊

【导师】 毛雪岷;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,在医学领域,医学案例库是极具价值的医学信息仓库,而电子病历正是医学案例库的信息来源,并已得到了广泛的实际应用。但现在的医学案例库中的案例大多是以文本数据的形式存储,计算机无法处理其内涵的语义信息,难以实现自动化的知识获取。此外,由于尚没有标准化的数据格式,不同医学信息系统之间无法实现有效的信息共享和互操作。以上问题必须从形式语义的角度去解决。本文通过对一体化医学语言系统、Ontology(本体论)、对象数据库等技术的研究,提出基于本体的医学案例库模型。该模型能够在语义层次上描述和存储医学信息,并能实现异构医学案例库之间的信息互操作。具体的研究内容有:1.文中提出了案例库模型的构建思想和基本结构。该模型是由本体驱动,包括应用层、语义层和数据层三层结构,其中数据层中的医学本体库和对象数据库是整个模型的基础与核心。2.文中在医学本体库的构建中提出了一种混合策略,即是由全局本体库(概念词典)和局部本体库共同构建医学本体库。以这种策略构建的医学本体库,具有统一的本体基础(概念词典),从而使得异构案例库之间的信息数据互操作成为可能,并在一定程度上提高了医学信息检索的有效性和准确率。3.模型中采用的对象数据库是一种能够有效表达数据语义信息的数据库模式,通过将本体的方法引入对象数据库模型的定义过程中,以此增强数据库模型的语义表达能力,同时又简化了语义冲突的化解过程,这在一定程度上提高医学信息的存储效率和复用率。4.文中在对本体映射的研究中,结合本文的模型特点,提出了一种概念相似度计算算法,并对算法的有效性进行了实验验证。该算法能够有效的确定异构本体之间的概念相似程度,为异构医学信息系统之间的本体映射提供了算法支持。以上的研究具有一定的理论价值和实际意义。

【Abstract】 Currently, in the medical field, the case is extremely valuable source of knowledge, electronic medical informatics case is the realization of goals, and has been a practical application. But now the case of electronic data is in the form of text, its semantic content of computer information can not handle, and will be difficult to achieve automated knowledge acquisition. Moreover, as the electronic case is still not standardized data formats, different information systems can not be achieved sharing and interoperability. The problems above must be resolved from the perspective of formal semantics.By researching on UMLS , Ontology and Object-oriented Database, the article puts forward a medical cases model based on Ontology. The model can describe and memorize medical information in semantic layer. At the same time, it can achieve inter-operation of information in isomerous medical cases. The following are the details:1. Forming idea and basic structure of cases model are advanced. The model is driven by Ontology, including application layer, semantic layer, and data layer. Medical ontological dictionary and object-oriented database on data layer are base and core of this model.2. In the formation of Medical ontological base a mixed strategy is raised, that is, medical ontological dictionary is formed by whole-ontological dictionary and part-ontological base. This dictionary has unified ontology foundation, making the inter-operation of information in isomerous medical cases possible, and increasing the search efficiency and accuracy at a certain extent.3. Object-oriented Database in the model can express semantic information effectively. Ontology is introduced in defining Object-oriented Database to strengthen semantic expression, simplify process, and increase the store efficiency and utilization ratio at a certain extent.4. In the research on noumena mapping, a new arithmetic about concept comparability computing is given and validated by experiment. The arithmetic can ascertain concept comparability among different noumena, establish mapping rules of different medical noumena and support the inter-operation of information in isomerous medical cases. So the study is valuable both in theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】R195
  • 【被引频次】7
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