

3D Reconstruction of Human Body Surface Oriented to Individualized Garment Customization

【作者】 何慧

【导师】 吴禄慎;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了满足人们对服装舒适度、个性化的需求和对特体服装的需要,避免批量生产造成的浪费,适应服装生产周期短、变化快的趋势,本文对面向个性化服装服饰定制技术的人体三维重构方法进行了研究,提出了用NURBS曲面重构人体表面的方法,结合三角面片的构造灵活性和NURBS曲面的通用性、可控性,实现了人体散乱点云数据的曲面重构,并满足可局部修改的需要。主要研究内容和成果如下:1.提出了一种新的带约束条件的三角形生长法,实现对空间离散点集的直接三角剖分,利用点到边的距离阈值、点对边的可见性、删除封闭点准则和LOP优化准则减小了搜索范围,提高了三角网的质量。通过该算法建立起散乱点云的三角拓扑结构,实现了数据的有序化。2.提出了一种改进的边折叠网格简化算法,在简化过程中保留原始点云,为后续曲面重构保留了所需的数据;采用以四边形变形因子为权值的最大权匹配算法,实现了简化网格的四边域划分,满足了曲面重构对数据分布的要求。3.应用NURBS方法,在四边域上构造双线性混合Coons曲面作为基曲面,实现数据参数化,然后由型值点反求控制点从而实现了NURBS曲面重构。4.在VC++环境下,利用OpenGL技术和NURBS曲线曲面的接口程序实现了三维人体模型的可视化。

【Abstract】 There are continuously increasing demands for comfortable and individualized clothing, also the requirement of special body types. In order to meet the need of people and solve the problem of batch production, adapting to the developing tendency of production mode, the technology of 3D human body reconstruction oriented to individualized garment customization is studied in this paper. The method of NURBS surface rebuilding is proposed to realize the reconstruction from scattered data of human body, which combines the flexibility of triangle meshes and the versatility of NURBS, satisfying the need of local modification. The main works are summarized as follows:1. A triangle growing algorithm with constraints is present to triangulate 3D scattered data. This algorithm takes the threshold distance and the visibility of point to edge, deleting closed points role and LOP criteria as constrained conditions to reduce the searching area and improve the quality of the mesh. It establishes the triangular topology and receives orderly data.2. An improved edge-collapse algorithm keeping original points is put forward to simplify triangular mesh. Then the maximum weight matching algorithm which takes the quadrangle deformation factor as the weight implements quadrilateral region partition, which meets the requirement of data distribution of later surface recovery.3. NURBS method is applied to reconstruct surface. The algorithm of NURBS surface reconstruction is implemented. The main steps include building up Coons base plane on the quadrilateral region, parameterizing data, computing control points and interpolating NURBS surface.4. The visualization of 3D mannequin is realized by OpenGL technology and interface program of NURBS curve and surface based on VC++ environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TS941.17
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204