

Study on Source and Elimination in Royal Jelly Drug Residues in the Colony

【作者】 任勤

【导师】 吴珍红; 缪晓青;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蜂产品药物残留一直是研究人员关注的一个热点问题之一,特别是欧盟对我国实行绿色壁垒后,如何控制蜂产品药物残留,就是一个亟待解决的问题。本文通过给蜂群饲喂四环素族抗生素中的土霉素和四环素,每隔10天随机抽取王浆样品、工蜂王浆腺和蜜蜂个体血淋巴,采用HPLC方法分析其中的药物残留,在60天内对王浆、王浆腺和血淋巴中药物残留的消除规律进行分析和研究。并对王浆中药物残留来源进行了初步的研究,实验结果表明,随着时间的推移王浆中土霉素和四环素的残留量逐渐降低,饲喂四环素40天后王浆中四环素的残留量基本符合欧盟标准,饲喂土霉素50天后完全符合欧盟标准。并且在饲喂药物10天后,在王浆腺中也检测到了药物残留,而在蜜蜂工蜂血淋巴中没有检测到药物残留。1王浆中药物残留在喂药后每隔10天取样,用HPLC对样品进行检测发现:对蜂群饲喂四环素40天后残留量为0.0532mg/kg,已经达到欧盟等国家的标准,在50天后王浆中药物残留量为0.0391mg/kg,完全符合其他国家0.05mg/kg的标准。对蜂群饲喂土霉素后我们检测发现,在50天后药物残留量为0.0597mg/kg,基本符合标准要求,在60天后进行检测,残留量降低到0.0482mg/kg,完全符合标准。2王浆腺中药物残留在对蜂群喂药10天后,用HPLC检测发现,王浆腺中也有药物残留,四环素残留量达到0.0678mg/kg,而土霉素残留量达到0.0832mg/kg。60天后检测发现四环素残留减少到0.0012mg/kg,土霉素残留减少到0.0082mg/kg,可以忽略不计,证明蜂王浆中药物残留有一部分来自王浆腺。3血淋巴中药物残留我们在60天内,每隔10天随机提取喂药蜂群工蜂体内血淋巴,用HPLC进行检测,结果在蜜蜂血淋巴中没有检测到药物残留。

【Abstract】 Antibiotic residues in bee products is one of the key problems, in particular when the European Union implement the green barriers on China. In bee products How to control antibiotic residues is a key problem to solve. Our aim is to exploreTetracycline and OxyTetracycline metabolism invitro, after feeding Tetracycline and OxyTetracycline to bee colony ,and every 10 days , royal jelly, worker hypopharyngeal gland and hemolymph were picked up, then analyzed by HPLC individually within 60 days.The results show that the Tetracycline and OxyTetracycline residues in royal jelly are gradually decreased with time. The Tetracycline residues in royal jelly are basically true to European Union standards 40 days later. The OxyTetracycline residues are completely compliance with European Union standards 50 days later. It was discovered that the work hypopharyngeal gland also have antibiotic residues, and we certain that part of residues are from hypopharyngeal gland. In the hemolymph of worker body are not found the antibiotic residues.1 Antibiotic residues in Royal JellyEvery 10 days we selected the samples after feeding antibiotics, and use HPLC to analyze we found that Tetracycline residue is 0.0532mg/kg after 40 days, it already achieve the standards of EU and other countries. The antibiotic residue is 0.0391mg/kg after 50 days, it is fully accord with other countries 0.05mg/kg standard. Feeding the OxyTetracycline to the honeybee colony, we found that the antibiotic residues is 0.0597mg/kg, in line with basic 0.05mg/kg standard. After 60 days we detected that the residues reduce to 0.0482mg/kg, it is full compliance with standards.2 Antibiotic residues in hypopharyngeal glandThe hypopharyngeal gland sampled from the worker after feeding antibiotics for 10 days ,deterrmined by HPLC, we found that hypopharyngeal gland also has antibiotic residues, the residue of Tetracycline achieve to 0.0678mg/kg, and Oxytetracycline residue reached to 0.0832mg/kg. We conclude that part of residues are from worker hypopharyngeal gland.3 Antibiotic residues in hemolymphFeeding antibiotics to bees , we sampled the hemolymph, conducted by HPLC detection, the residues was not found in the hemolymph of workers body.Clearly, antibiotic residues in royal jelly primarily form worker hypopharyngeal gland and combs. We found that after 50 days royal jelly is in line with pesticide residues standards.

【关键词】 蜂王浆血淋巴王浆腺HPLC抗生素药物残留
【Key words】 BeeRoyal JellyHemolymphHypopharyngeal GlandHPLCAntibiotics
  • 【分类号】S896.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】112