

Effects of Drug Use in Honeybee Colony on Drug Residues in Honey

【作者】 唐林林

【导师】 梁勤;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代畜牧业向规模化、集约化发展,存在的问题越来越多,蜂产品的质量安全也倍受关注,抗生素残留控制已成为各国食品安全工作的重要部分之一。本研究以反相高效液相色谱为定量分析手段,通过对蜂群进行糖浆给药和花粉给药,研究糖浆给药和花粉给药后蜂蜜中药物残留的差异,并探讨药物的休药期,以找到合适的给药途径和休药期来降低蜂产品中的药物残留。本研究选择生产上常用的四环素类药物土霉素和氟喹诺酮类药物环丙沙星作为试验代表药物。土霉素以500mg/10足框蜂和125mg/10足框蜂的给药剂量进行饲喂,环丙沙星以500mg/10足框蜂和250mg/10足框蜂的给药剂量进行饲喂,给药后,分别采集无休药期时和休药45天后的蜂蜜样品,进行相应的前处理后,土霉素和环丙沙星残留分别用二极管阵列检测器和荧光检测器进行HPLC检测。通过试验,结果表明:使用不同药物浓度饲喂后,药物在蜂蜜中的残留量存在明显的差别,给药剂量越大,残留就越多,在无休药期时和使用糖浆给药时尤为明显。无论是采用哪种方式给药,无休药期时蜂蜜中药物的残留量都高于休药45天后的,此时糖浆给药后所得样品中药物残留都超过残留限量。休药期对糖浆给药的影响较大,但对花粉给药的影响不明显。无论是在无休药期时还是在休药45天后采样,采用糖浆给药的方式蜂蜜中的药物残留量明显高于利用花粉给药,土霉素大约为3~10倍,环丙沙星为10~20倍。

【Abstract】 With the large-scale and intensive development of animal husbandry, more and more problems appear. The quality and safety of bee products are well concerned on nowadays, and the control of antibiotic residues has become one of the most important parts of food safety work.After feeding the honeybee with the syrup and bee pollen which contain drugs, the residues in honey were determined by RP-HPLC method. Study the differences between the two drug delivery ways and discuss the withdrawal time of drugs by comparing the concentration of drug residues, in order to find a suitable way to feed drug to reduce the drug residues.Oxytetracycline and ciprofloxacin, which were widely used in animal husbandry were selected for our research. The oxytetracycline was fed to honeybee at the dosage of 500mg and 125mg, and the ciprofloxacin were fed at the dosage of 500mg and 250mg respectively. Then, the samples of honey were gathered from the colony respectively when it is with no withdrawal period and with the withdrawal period for 45 days. The residues were extracted from the samples by using solid phase extraction technology and determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. The residues of oxytetracycline and ciprofloxacin were respectively analyzed by photodiode array detector and fluorescence detector.After experiments, the conclusions are as follows:There exist remarkable differences in drug residues when drugs are fed at various dosage levels. The higher the dosage is, the more the residues will be, especially during the time with no withdrawal period and when drugs are fed by syrup.No matter in which way the drugs were fed to honeybee, the concentration of drug residues in the samples gathered in the non-stopping period are much higher than those gathered when it is with withdrawal time for 45 days. The residues in the samples gathered from the colony to which drugs were fed by syrup were still above the MRLs when it is with no withdrawal period. There is an obvious effect of having a medicine-deprived period on the drug-fed by syrup, but there is a weak effect on the drug-fed by bee pollen.Whether with no withdrawal period or with withdrawal time for 45 days, the concentration of drug residues in the samples gathered from the colony to which drugs were fed by syrup is much higher than that to which drugs were fed by bee pollen. The concentration of oxytetracycline is about 3-10 times higher, while the concentration of ciprofloxacin is 10-20 times higher.

【关键词】 蜂蜜给药方式药物残留休药期
【Key words】 honeydrug-delivery waydrug residueswithdrawal period
  • 【分类号】S896.1
  • 【被引频次】5
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