

Establishment of Regeneration System for Acacia Fimbriata

【作者】 杨敏

【导师】 林思祖;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 流苏相思(Acacia fimbriata A.curtn,ex G.Don),为含羞草科(Mimosaceae)金合欢属(Acacia)植物,它根瘤发达,固氮能力强,且生物量大,枯枝落叶多,对土壤有很好的保护和改良作用。随着我国园林事业的发展,这种具有生态价值又具有显著观赏价值的观赏相思树,必然会引起人们更大的开发和研究兴趣。本试验以澳大利亚进口的种源号为15472的流苏相思种子为基本材料,运用组织培养方法,从无菌体系的建立、继代培养、生根诱导、炼苗移栽等各个环节,研究了流苏相思离体快繁的有效途径,分析在培养过程中增殖率和生根诱导率等关键指标,为实现流苏相思工厂化育苗提供必要的理论基础。试验用方差分析和多重比较进行数据统计分析。着重研究并筛选流苏相思组织培养的最佳培养程序,培养基配方及炼苗移栽方式,主要研究结果如下:1.流苏相思无菌体系的建立。采用1.84g/mL浓硫酸处理10min,10d发芽率达到了63%,30d后可达到83%,种子发芽效果良好。2.流苏相思种子不同消毒处理对污染率的影响情况。前处理使用浓硫酸,可以有效的杀灭种子周围的细菌和真菌。常规消毒以75%乙醇浸泡10s,0.1%升汞10min,无菌水冲洗5遍。污染率仅为6%。3.流苏相思增殖培养。采用正交试验设计,考虑不同植物生长素对流苏相思增殖的影响,筛选出一代培养基为:MS+1.0mg/LBA+1.0mg/LKT+0.4mg/LIBA+AC1g/L,30d增殖数达到3.61;流苏相思幼苗在二次继代中生长状况较差,最好的培养基为:MS+0.4mg/LBA+0.4mg/LKT+0.2mg/LIBA+AC1g/L+20g/L蔗糖,增殖数达到3.72。在流苏相思的三代及多代培养中,选择1/2MS+0.4mg/LKT+0.4mg/LIBA+AC1g/L+20g/L蔗糖的培养基,增殖效果比较理想,增殖数达到了4.52。4.流苏相思的壮苗及生根。壮苗培养基选择MS+0.2mg/LIBA+AC1g/L+15g/L蔗糖。根据其生根情况,筛选出较佳的培养基配方为:1/2MS+0.2mg/LNAA+0.2mg/LIBA+AC1g/L+15g/L蔗糖,生根率达到了99%,接近100%。5.流苏相思的移栽。移栽基质选择黄心土:泥炭土=2:1,移栽成活率可以达到89%。根据不同移栽时间对流苏相思组培苗成活率的影响实验,在5月份的移栽成活率最高。本研究为今后流苏相思的离体快繁技术建立,积累了可靠的第一手资料,并获得了初步的研究成果。

【Abstract】 Acacia fimbriata belongs to Mimosaceae family and Acacia genera.It has well developed root nodule,strong ability of nitrogen fixation,high biomass and multiple litter,which has very good protection and modified effect on soil.With the development of our country park business, the ornamental acacia which has ecological value and significant value will necessarily attract more people’s developing and studying interest.In this paper,the establishment of aseptic system, proliferation culture,induction of root and acclimatization and transplants etc were researched,the key factors that affecting proliferation rate and root induction rate were analyzed,the rapid propagation technique system in vitro was establish,using the imported seeds from Australia whose species source number was 15472 as explants to establish,in order to offer theory foundation for factory breeding.With single factor,orthogonal design and analysis of variance to find out the optimum explant and best medium composition and the culture process for the culture of Acacia fimbriata.The main results were described as follows:1.The establishment of aseptic system of Acacia fimbriata.Treated with 1.84g/mL concentrated sulfuric acid for ten minutes,the seed’s germination rate was up to 53%after ten days,83%after thirty days,and the germination effect was good.2.The infection rate of Acacia fimbriata seeds by using different sterilization time.Using concentrated sulfuric acid as first treatment,it could effectively kill the bacteria and fungus around the seed.The routine disinfection was soaking for ten second with 75%alcohol,then sterilizing in 0.1%mercuric for ten minutes,finally washing with sterile water for five times.The infected rate was only 6%.3.Proliferating culture of Acacia fimbriata.The method of orthogonal design was adopted to arrange experiment.Considering the influence of plant auxin on the proliferation culture of Acacia fimbriata,selected MS+1.0mg/LBA+1.0mg/L KT+0.4mg/L IBA as the first culture medium,the proliferation coefficient was 3.61.The Acacia fimbriata seedling grew worse in the second multiplication culture,the highest proliferation coefficient was 3.72 with the medium combination of MS+0.4mg/LBA+0.4mg/LKT+0.2mg/L IBA+AClg/L+20g/Lsucrose.During the third and multi-generation multiplication culture,taking the MS+0.4mg/LKT+0.4mg/LIBA+20g/L sucrose as the medium had a better multiplication effect with the proliferation coefficient 4.52.4.The strong seedling and root culture of Acacia fimbriata.The strong seedling medium was MS+0.2 mg/LIBA+15g/L sucrose.According to the rooting situation,the better medium was 1/2MS+0.2mg/LNAA+0.2mg/LIBA+15g/Lsucrose,with the rooting rate 99%.5.The transplanting of Acacia fimbriata.Combination of loess and peat soil with a ratio of 2:1 was used for transplanting,and the survival rate was over 89%.Based on the experiment of the effect of different transplanting time on the tissue culture seedling,the survival rate of transplanting reached the highest in May.

【关键词】 流苏相思种子组织培养植株再生
【Key words】 Acacia fimbriataseedtissue cultureregeneration
  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】7
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