

The Correctional Deflection Automatic Control System of Crane

【作者】 何光

【导师】 谢剑刚;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 起重机是现代化大生产中许多工矿企业生产线上必不可少的生产设备。但大部分桥式起重机都有不同程度的大车跑偏或啃轨现象。啃轨是指起重机的大车或小车在运行过程中因车轮跑偏而使轮缘与轨道的侧面接触,在运行过程中产生摩擦,加速轮缘的磨损,导致轮缘磨薄超标甚至整个车轮报废,使车轮过早损坏的现象。这极大的威胁着起重机的安全运行,同时也会增加运行维护费用。因此,探究啃轨现象发生的原因并加以预防和消除具有十分重要的意义。本文研究发现起重机啃轨一般是由于车架或轨道误差,造成起重机车轮不能沿着轨道的中心行走,逐渐走偏而发生啃轨。在实际治理啃轨现象的工作中,一般是以提高车架和车轮的安装精度,校正和消除起重机和轨道的缺陷为主要方法。长期以来人们为解决啃轨问题做了很多努力和尝试,但效果不是很理想。本课题提出治理啃轨的新方案是纠正车架相对于轨道的偏斜,力图保证车轮沿着轨道中心线行走。提出起重机运行过程中采用变频纠偏系统。变频纠偏是解决起重机啃轨的可能突破口。变频纠偏将传统的被动纠偏变为主动纠偏,可以说是起重机纠偏方法一次全新尝试。在控制系统上,笔者选择工业控制中常用的PID控制器。在PID控制器的三个参数整定中,笔者自创了逐步黄金分割法。这种方法不需要精确数学模型,不需要传递函数,不需要专家经验,方法简单,计算量不大,同时不失结果的准确性。该控制系统的特点在于:纠偏理论新颖、设备简单、价格低廉、运行可靠、操作简单。本系统中所使用的89C52芯片,可以烧写1000次左右,也为以后的软件升级提供了保证。这种弱电和强电的有效结合,在工业控制方面是一次有益探索和成功尝试。

【Abstract】 Crane is the necessary equipment in most industrial and mining enterprises in the modern world. But most bridge cranes often run off the rail track. Off-tracking of crane might result in wear of crane rail wheels. As the wheel slide against the track, the contact is anything but smooth. Friction appears when the wheel and the track rub against each other. Friction may make the wheels wear out quickly, become thinner and thinner, and shatter finally. This may make it dangerous to run the crane. And more money will be spent on the maintenance. So it is very important to analyze the reasons of off-tracking and to prevent and eliminate off-tracking.The error of the frame and the track which make the crane not in parallel with the rail track is the cause of off-tracking. Reducing the error is the often used method of reducing off-tracking. For a long time in order to settling the gnaw rail problem a great many endeavors and attempts having been done by people, but the effect is limited.The writer think out a completely new way to settling the gnaw rail problem.The way can keep the wheel running along the rail central line.From the new point of view putting forward using frequency control to correct errors of cranes. Frequncy control is a possible way to deal with grawing of cranes. Frequency control changes the traditional passive correcting errors into activecorrecting errors. It can be said to be a completely new try of correcting errors on crane. In the control system, the writer choose the PID controller which is used in industrial cantrol commonly. I created a Gradual-Golden Section to setting PID controller’three patameters. This method does not require precise mathematical model, do not need to transfer functions, does not require expertise, is simple, not computation, and yet the accuracy of the results.The trait of the control system is that the theory of correcting is novel; the equipments are not complicated; the price is cheap; the system runs stably;it’s very easy to operate. 89C52 chip is used on this system.This chip can be used over 1000 times on programming.It’s very easy to update in the future. Weak current is used to control strong electricity on industrial control. It is a good and a successful exploration in the field of the crane operating organization.
