

【作者】 傅菲菲

【导师】 戴雨享; 刘建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 陶瓷艺术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国现代陶艺的发展虽然紧跟着现当代艺术的脚步如火如荼的发展着,其面貌却错综复杂,这似乎也符合着中国当代社会政治经济发展的现状,然而当我们纵观中国的现当代陶艺的时候,不难发现,同为中国当代艺术大背景下的现代陶艺,由于地域位置、人文历史、艺术环境的差异,南北方现代陶艺还是显著有别的。在中国古代陶瓷本身虽未形成一套美学系统的建构,但她与古代美学思想和其他艺术领域有着千丝万缕的联系,传统的南北地缘美学差异还是潜移默化的影响着现代陶艺的审美发展。中国先锋艺术是以“北京中心”和“北重南轻”的地域格局拉开的。北京比中国其他的城市有更多的国际化氛围和艺术家参与国际事务交往的经验,以北京为中心的现代陶艺相比较其他城市更具有先锋意识。中国现代陶艺在中国大陆发展以来,主要从事陶艺创作的陶艺家都是中国美术学院、景德镇陶瓷学院、清华大学美术学院等设陶艺系的教师以及从这些院校毕业分配到全国各地的毕业生,他们确立了现代陶艺的创作观念和探索方向。从南北方学院陶艺教学的方向上,我们也基本上可以看到南北方现代陶艺的发展趋势。南北方的陶艺教育还是充分的利用了当地的资源。以南北来谈艺术的不同流派在历史上也是有广泛的讨论。本文着眼于中国当代艺术的大背景下,参照当代艺术理论和现代陶艺研究理论,结合历史人文发展,以历史上南方和北方的美学品格差异为引,通过分析艺术风格和渊源以及具体艺术形式的分析的研究方法来诠释南北现代陶艺,进一步认清中国现代陶艺语言自身的发展状况。

【Abstract】 China’s modern ceramics while keeping up with the development of contemporary art in the footsteps of the development of a full swing, the outlook is complicated, it seems to be in line with China’s economic development in contemporary social and political status quo, but whenwe Throughout China’s modern and contemporary pottery, It is not difficult to find, with the Chinese contemporary art against the backdrop of the modern ceramics, as geographical location, cultural history, art environmental differences, the South and the North modern pottery or a significant other.Ancient Chinese Ceramics in itself not yet formed a system of aesthetic construct, but she and the Aesthetics of ancient art and other areas are inextricably linked, the traditional North-South geopolitical aesthetic differences or subtle impact on the aesthetic development of modern ceramics. China’s vanguard art of "Beijing Center" and "North-South Light" opened the geographical pattern. Beijing than other Chinese cities have more of an atmosphere of international artists to participate in international affairs and exchanges of experience to Beijing as the center of modern ceramics compared to other cities with more awareness of Pioneer. China’s modern development of ceramics in China, mainly engaged in pottery created by potters are all Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, JINGDEZHEN CERAMICS INSTITUTE, Art Institute of Qinghua University established potters of the teachers and graduates from these institutions throughout the country assigned to the graduates They established the modern pottery and exploring the concept of creative direction. North-South Institute of pottery from the direction of teaching, we can basically see that the South and the North of the development trend of modern ceramic art. North and South of ceramic art education or full use of local resources.North-South and talk to different schools of art in history is also a wide-ranging discussion. This article focus on Chinese contemporary art in the context, in the light of contemporary art theory and modern pottery study theory, the history of human development, to the history of North and South for the difference between the aesthetic character of primers, through analysis of artistic style and origin and the specific form of art Analysis of North-South approach to the interpretation of modern ceramics, pottery further understand China’s modern development in their own language.

  • 【分类号】J527
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】362