

The Management Pattern of Enterprise Arehives on the Background of Knowledge Management

【作者】 张涛

【导师】 黄世喆;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 档案管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的飞速发展,知识和信息比以往任何时候都显得更为重要。企业档案,作为企业生产、技术、科研和经营等活动的真实记录,更是一种基础性信息资源,在企业管理等各方面发挥显现着应有的重要作用。标准化、科学化的企业档案管理,对于企业发展的意义更是不言而喻的。然而传统的、旧的企业档案管理体制已经被打破,但是由于各种原因,目前我国新的企业档案管理体制尚未完全形成,制约了企业档案工作的发展,在一定程度上已经不能适应企业新的形势。文章从信息化与企业档案管理的角度,评述了目前档案管理模式的研究现状,分析了建立“档案知识管理模式”的理论和现实意义。然后分别介绍了传统企业档案管理模式面临的挑战、知识管理与企业档案管理、档案知识管理模式的构建等问题,着重论述了知识管理背景下建立企业档案管理模式的背景,分析了建立这一模式的基本思路,以及如何构建这一模式。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of the market economy, knowledge and information has become an important force that is unprecedented in human history. Business archive—information resources the keep tracks production, technology and business operations—has played a pivotal role in various aspects of business management. Standard, scientific business archive management is of great importance to business development.In our country, the traditional archive management systems have become outdated, but the new regimes have not yet to take shape, hampering the development of archive management sector and businesses.The thesis analyses the current situation of the archive management from the perspective of information, establishes the theory of "archive knowledge management model" and explores its significance.It illustrates challenges facing the traditional archive systems and reforms needed, puts forward the theory of corporate archive management model against the background of knowledge management.

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2020