

Research of the Key Technologies Applied in Conformance Testing of Mobile IPv6 Protocol Based on TTCN-3

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 柯宏力;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机、互联网以及移动通信技术的迅猛发展,手机、笔记本电脑、掌上电脑等移动通信设备得到了广泛应用。互联网正逐步走出其原有的军事、科研、教育领域,深入到人们的日常生活工作当中。人们希望能随时随地甚至在移动中也能接入互联网。为此,IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force,互联网工程任务组)下属的移动IP工作组于20世纪90年代制定了移动IP的最初标准(移动IPv4)。随着IPv4向IPv6逐步过渡,IETF也着手制定了新的移动IPv6协议。移动IPv6(Mobile IPv6,简称MIPv6)协议已经成为IPv6协议簇的重要组成部分。随着移动IPv6技术的蓬勃发展,针对移动IPv6实现的一致性测试工作也必须紧随其后。一致性测试是依据协议的文本描述检查被测实现是否符合协议标准的协议测试类型。TTCN-3(Testing and Test Control Notation 3rd version,测试和测试控制表示法第三版)是一种由ETSI(EuropeanTelecommunications Standards Institute,欧洲电信标准协会)制定的新一代协议和软件测试标准,具有强大的功能和广泛的应用范围。本文所涉及的使用TTCN-3对MIPv6协议进行一致性测试是一次研究性的有益尝试。本文的内容为基于TTCN-3的MIPv6一致性测试中的几项关键技术的研究。本文通过分析项目特点,提出了测试系统结构的设计方案;完善和修复了开源软件Jpcap的功能,解决了通信技术问题;设计和实现了测试系统的Adapter(适配器);具有创新性地设计和实现了多PTC(Parallel Test Component并行测试组件)并行测试技术。这些技术和ATS(Abstract Test Suite,抽象测试套)结合后,在相应的测试环境中完成了对移动IPv6协议实现进行测试,并可得到预期的测试结果。本课题所涉及的研究对移动IPv6协议产品的调试和推广可起到积极地推动作用。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the computer, the Internet, and the mobile communications technology, cell phones, laptops, PDAs and other mobile communications equipment has been widely used. Internet is gradually going out of its original military, scientific research and educational fields, and then penetrating into people’s daily life. Therefore, people want to access the Internet even in movement. The Working Group of Mobile IP, which is under the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), developed the first standard Mobile IP (Mobile IPv4) in the 1990s. With the gradual transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the IETF has started drawing up a new mobile IPv6 protocol.The Mobile IPv6 (or MIPv6) protocol has become an important component of the IPv6 protocol cluster. With the booming development of MIPv6 technology, the Conformance Testing of MIPv6 implement must also be followed. Conformance Testing, a kind of Protocol Testing that based on the protocol described in text form, is used to test whether the protocol implement is according with the standard protocol. TTCN-3(Testing and Test Control Notation 3rd version) is a new standard established by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), which is designed for protocol and software testing. It has powerful functions and a wide range of applications. This issue involved the research of the conformance testing of MIPv6 based on TTCN-3, which can be a useful attempt.In this thesis, several key technologies that applied in conformance testing of MIPv6 based on the TTCN-3 are introduced. By analyzing the characteristics of the project, one testing system’s structure is proposed; the problem of communication technology is solved by improving and fixing the Jpcap functions; the testing system’s adapter is designed and implemented; and one Parallel Testing technology is proposed. MIPv6 conformance testing is conducted by combing these and ATS (Abstract Test Suite) in corresponding test environment, and the expected test results are presented in the thesis. The research on the topic can play a positive role in promoting the testing and popularization of MIPv6 products.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】176