

The Research about the Strategy of Call Center Constructing and Operating

【作者】 蒋润仙

【导师】 舒华英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业对客户服务的重视程度日益提高,呼叫中心已成为企业面向客户的重要窗口,其特性在于以更低的运营成本和更高的渠道效益为客户创造价值,成为企业服务利润链上关键的一环。呼叫中心存在的价值就是要创造更大的客户价值,呼叫中心的运营管理必须要以客户为中心,不断创新,紧抓客户管理的目标。本文通过对国内电信运营商面临的竞争态势的分析,说明了客户服务工作的重要性;文章从客户创造价值体系的分析出发,得出了呼叫中心如何实现客户价值最大化,阐述了呼叫中心与客户关系管理系统CRM融合的必要性,并对如何融合呼叫中心和客户关系管理系统提出了自己的观点和方法;文章对现代电信运营企业呼叫中心建设时系统采用的结构、功能模块的划分、呼叫中心运营管理、工作流程的制定等方面进行了介绍,得出呼叫中心建设和运营管理要处处体现“以客户为中心”,以客户为导向的理念,不断优化客户服务流程,不断完善运营体制和服务体系是呼叫中心长期的工作,也是未来呼叫中心的发展方向。

【Abstract】 With business-to-customer service increasing degree of attention, the call center has become an important service for client-oriented enterprises, the call center is the key element of service profit chain enterprises, the identity is to lower operating costs and higher efficiency of the channels to create value for customers. Its operational management must be customer-focused, innovative, seize customer management objectives. The significance of call center is create more and more customer value, focus on custermers, keeping innovation. This paper from the main domestic carriers call center development and implementation of the plan, and from call center infrastructure, and to realize how the concept of CRM, how to make "customer-centric" core idea , as discussed from the call center building purposes, business content distribution, workflow development. Call center management, the allocation of staff and personnel training, the building of several major organizational structure to the area on ways and means to achieve a "people-oriented, customer-focused" the fundamental principle of how the call center through the building, realize CRM Idea to provide operator services era of competition in the core competitiveness, the final call center building should be drawn around the "customer-centric", customer-oriented philosophy, depth of the potential demand for mining customers using customer-oriented marketing strategy, and establish a customer-oriented operating system and call center service system is a long-term development goals.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】478