

Optimization and Practice of Fuzhou Unicom’s Broadband IP MAN

【作者】 帅杰锋

【导师】 卞佳丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 宽带IP城域网是采用TCP/IP协议互联起来的,面向满足集团用户、个人用户对各种宽带多媒体业务需求的综合宽带网。随着数据业务的日益增长,数据业务已成为电信运营商新的利润增长点。因此尽快抢占新的市场,建设一个合理的电信级的可平滑发展的宽带IP域网对抚州联通显得极其重要。本文的主要研究目的是对抚州联通宽带IP城域网进行优化,使其成为一个性能优良的、可运营可管理的、可扩展的安全的宽带IP城域网。本文首先论述了宽带IP城域网的基本理论知识,宽带IP城域网的总体要求,宽带IP城域网网络规划设计的原则和技术要求。第一步,从业务介绍、网络的组网方案、网络节点的设置、网络安全和网络管理等方面对抚州联通宽带IP城域网优化前的网络状况进行了描述。第二步,论述了在抚州联通宽带IP城域网运行一年后,是如何进行抚州联通宽带IP城域网的网络优化。分别从抚州联通宽带IP城域网的核心层、汇聚层、接入层三个层面,针对网络存在的问题进行网络结构、运营设备等进行了优化。第三步,对抚州联通宽带IP城域网优化的具体内容,如VLAN数据规划、PPPOE用户接入域规划、设备命名规则及情况说明、IP地址规划、路由规划、系统安全数据规划、网管系统规划等诸多方面进行了描述。最后对于抚州联通宽带IP城域网的网络优化和实践成果进行总结并对抚州联通宽带IP城域网的未来提出了思考和展望。

【Abstract】 Broadband IP MAN is an integrated broadband network, which is connected by TCP/IP protocols, meeting various needs of broadband multi-media services of group users and personal users.Along with the increase day by day of the data communications ervices, the data services will become a new profit growth point of telecommunication services providers. Therefore, it seems very important to plan and design a reasonable, up to the level of telecommunication, developable smoothly Broadband IP MAN for Fuzhou Unicom.The main research purpose of the thesis is to reasonably optimiz the Broadband IP MAN of Fuzhou Network, making it to be an excellent performance, administrationable, manageable, extensible, safe broadband IP MAN.Firstly, the thesis discusses the Basic theory of the Broadband IP MAN, the Overall requirement to the Broadband IP MAN, the principle and the rquirement of technologies to plan and design Broadband IP MAN.Step One: the article states the description of the service introduction, construction program, setup of network nodes, network security and management before the network is optimized.Step Two: it discusses after the new IP MAN was put to use, how the network was optimized, including network structure, operation equipment from the levels of core, syntaxis and access.Step Three: it covers the concrete details about optimization, for example: VLAN data plan, plan of PPPOE user access, rules of naming equipment, plans of IP address, route, system security data, network management.And at last, it summarizes what have been achieved during the design and construction process and it reflects on and looks forward to the future of the network.

【关键词】 宽带IP城域网优化TCP/IPVLAN
【Key words】 Broadband IP MANOptimizationTCP/IPVLAN
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【下载频次】112